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Posts posted by 12packprophet

  1. It's also right next to *Pakistan.


    And to anybody looking down from the space station who can't see man made boundaries, it would also appear to be on the same continent as fucking Poland.



    *Revert argument to Pakistanis being towel heads, but not camel jockeys.

    And towel heads = Chinese.

  2. We call Indian peoples Asians here...the Asians you're talking about are called Chinese, no matter where they're from.


    "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to grd again."

  3. instead of explaining that india is NOT the middle east.



    Im just going to show you a non-arguable with picture






    Are you claiming that one can't argue with man made borders that divide one mass continent into three?

    Because i assure you that I can.

  4. I really feel bad for these Kony's kids now.

    This closet homo had a whole movement going for a hot second.

    Now nobody gives a flying fuck about Kony's kids all because dude went and smoked some wet and overnight canceled everything him and his boul worked for.


    I almost feel bad for the dickriders who let the fact that this dude smoked some leak and wild out cancel their concern for 11 year olds being kidnapped and forced to kill their parents and eat their hearts, but then hipsters will be hipsters.

    • Like 1
  5. Wait..are we including Indians in this topic of conversation? I mean...India is in Asia...so if that's the case...then yes...Asians..by far...are terrible drivers. And this is not limited to FOB's.

    95% of my Asian friends.




    I don't give a fuck what nobody says, Indians are not Asians.

    Fuck whoever decided that part of the middle east was technically "Asia" even though there's no slant eyes living there.

    "Pacific Islanders" are Asians.

    I don't give a fuck that they're way out in the Ocean, they still have slant eyes and can't drive for shit.


    I honestly have no idea how Indians drive, but I'm sure it's probably the same as Arabs being as they're more genetically related to Arabs than they are Asians.



    Commence 20 page argument about continental borders and how towel heads are not Camel jockeys, and how Jesus was black even though he too was from the middle east:

  6. So i got a question, I posted on here about me being a heavy drinker about a year ago i guess. I staid sober for a few nights but caved in and started up again. I'd usually get drunk every night, during the week usually just a 6er when i got home, and than on the weekends just get completely black out. Me and my girl just broke up and she put it into perspective for me and I was pretty much just in a daze the whole relationship. I dont wanna change for her I wanna change for myself now. I am actually sober and havent had a beer since sunday. I want to stay sober during the week and just keep it to the weekends. Is this a bad idea to stop cold turkey like the way people say it is or was i not drinking enough for it to affect me like that. I get anxiety and have sleep problems anyway so im not worried about that. Also how much will my tolerance drop if i do this?





    I'll never be able to wrap my head around people who drink 6 beers a night thinking they're an alcoholic.




  7. And Moogle, apparently you think your vast knowledge of anime and corny 80's movies that nobody ever heard of makes you seem cool.

    It doesn't.

    It just further proves what a fucking dork you are.


    Please feel free to further expose what a fucking dork you are.
































































































  8. Aren't you married to an Asian? Do you just forbid her from driving?



    She's forbidden from driving on the highways.



    I have a perfect driving record, go figure. I suck at math though.


    You're not really Asian. You're a chinky eyed Mexican.

    Your parents lied to you.

  9. It's not Asian drivers so much as recent arrivals .


    Nah, it's Asian drivers in general.

    They could be 5th generation U.S. citizens and they still drive like a 16 year old girl who just got her learners permit.


    You'd think the slanted eyes would offer more peripheral vision.

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