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Posts posted by 12packprophet

  1. YEah, gotta be trolling. There is no way that a rational person can twist the arguments the way he does, and then stick them like a whale on a bone.






    see what I did there? :cool:




    You weren't around for it either.

    Another noob jumping on a meme that you know nothing about.


    You gonna say that wolves aren't dogs and that nobody knew the earth was round until pics were taken from the moon, too?

  2. Also, another gem that you missed out on from that original argument that you weren't even around for is Wolves, foxes and Coyotes not being dogs because they're not domesticated.


    And Spitfire saying something about nobody knowing for sure that the Earth was round until we took pics from the moon.


    You wanna jump in on that too?

  3. I'm assuming you were in the 6th grade before 1980. Things change DAO, scientific discoveries happen all the time. You are using animated pictures as "evidence"...I wasn't here for your original argument but I'm just showing how it might be flawed.




    It was a lot closer to 1990 when I was in 6th grade.

    Do you really think NBB and I google image searched those pics in 1980?




    A roomba and paper mache and a fleshlight. It's true love.

    Why is the first thing his friend asked the internet a question of morality? Morality? Your friend is fucking a pinata vacuum pig and you wanna know if thats moral?


    :huh: :huh:


    "You might be a redneck if... your friend is into fucking pigs

    and your only concern is the "morality" of him fucking a fake pig."

  5. No one in the world thought dolphins and whales evolved from fish. Not one single person.



    That's not really why you thought people were making fun of you was it?


    Please say it was.


    You're a fucking liar because you were one of the main ones.

    You were also the first to go research it after the fact and take the fact that they had hooves and twist that into them not resembling dogs at all.

    Even though the pic that you posted IN THIS THREAD looks more like a dog than any other animal on the planet.


    Yeah... because this:






    totally closer resembles a deer than it does a dog.

    Even though it's not directly related to either, hence the key word "LIKE".


    Oh... wait... everybody was originally laughing at the notion that whales and dolpins evolved from anything other than fish.

    Hence this multiple years long 12oz "dog/whale" meme in the first place.

    But then again you weren't even around back then so how would you know what argument you're jumping into all late?

  7. i'm betting there have been a few people here who wondered why you dont go in crossfire to talk politics.

    so i posted the reason why....6 years later and how many sockpuppet accounts?


    I stopped going into crossfire because it's like 6 dudes who post in there and half of them are right wing trolls who it's not even fun to argue with.

    Arguing with walls of texts gets old after a while, and when you consider only 6 nerds are going to even bother reading the shit it becomes even more pointless.


    So whatever "reason" you think you posted for me not going in there any more, go back to the drawing board with that shit.



    last thing is...why do you post my pictures?

    you know nothing of me or my life save for what is gleaned from this place and yet you persist in attempting to pull whatever card you think i have to be pulled.



    Because you insist on riding my nuts and trolling my threads.

    You ever notice that I only post those pics when you act up?




    and yea im still posting the comics in this thread .


    lol umad





    And I'll keep re-posting your pics to remind people what a corny herb you are.














































































































  8. I get the feeling that you think you're sonning somebody, but that couldn't be further from the truth.


    Keep the nostalgia coming.





































































  9. RIP Spitfire's son.
















































































    He probably deserved it.

  10. Indians (not native americans) were aryan which would equal caucasian but then they were labelled as gooks to the court system due to politics in the 1920s to keep asians out of the US. my point is that a lot of this shit is subjective depending on what lens you put on the subject (anthropological/political/geographical/ignorant). my 2 cents


    maybe one day 12oz can lobby to have dogs=whales just so DAO could never be questioned but he sure loves to argue


    p.s. dao=wrong


    Indians = the real aryans before Hitler came along and jacked the word Aryan to mean blond hair blue eyed white people.


    Everything else you said in that first paragraph sounded like you were agreeing with me, so I'm assuming you're saying that I'm wrong about whales evolving from dog like land mammals.

    That argument against known scientific fact that every 6th grader is taught (or at least was when I was a kid) has already been lost time and time again.






    Did you seriously say Indians are white people? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh man...

  11. Who was the idiot who decided to call all these people "Brazilians"?!?!?!?








    The same type of people who decided to call you and me Americans even though we're not "redskins".

  12. None of the money for this was going to kids.


    It was going towards raising awareness for the shit that the kids have been going through for centuries amongst hipster fucks with the attention span of a 3rd grade ADHD kid who's parents forgot to give them their Aderaol though, did it not?

    Was the money supposed to go towards sneaking into camp and buying the kids Nikes?

    I do know that I did see this shit on CNN though.

    And that now any fuck that was ever given was over-ridden by the fact that dude smoked some wet and got naked in the street.

    And that that sucks for the kids who still have to kill their parents and eat their hearts.


    Do you disagree?

  13. Where the fuck did I say that???!








    This is where you are wrong though. Yes the line drawn on a map is man made but many of the borders on the ground/in real life are largely natural and based on physical barriers such mountain ranges, rivers and coastlines.


    If you look at somewhere like the middle east and Africa where Europeans decided where the borders where for political reasons you see straight lines that cut through different tribes and whoever else. But when you look at Europe and Asia, a large amount of the borders are based on natural features.


    And that brings up another point, if you're going to include Europe in this you have to say Eurasia otherwise you're off target for reasons that can be explained if anyone gives enough of a fuck.

  14. Yes, the borders in the US were drawn by Europeans, just as I said much of Africa and the Mid East was. I don't get your point.


    Now, before you go equating me in to the general argument here make sure that that you pay attention to what I'm saying, rather than what I'm not saying. I'm simply addressing your claim that borders are a man made reality and saying that this is not the case. Much of the time the borders reflect natural realities rather than man made wishes.


    I am paying attention to what you're saying.

    You're saying that Eurasiamiddleastistan is three different continents because of mountains and rivers and such.

    And that it has nothing at all to do with race.

    Hence Indians and Pakistanis somehow being the same race as Chinese and Vietnamese people.

    You know, because they're technically in the same part of the continent that was divided up into three continents way back when.

    Even though North America also has mountains and Rivers and such, yet isn't divided into three or more different continents.


    I mean, that is exactly what you're saying while claiming it's not what you're saying.

  15. Animal_Hybrids___Sea_Creatures_by_orcacat88.jpg






    And you're the fucking Einstein talking about infallible logic and laughter and such.
































































































  16. Your lack of geopolitics and common sense always make me laugh


    I don't think I saw the origins of the dog whale debate but have always wondered your description and now will laugh every time I see the reference that much more.



    POST THE COMICS MOOGLE. I'll give you props and you'll feel happy about them




    Then you're a fucking retard.

  17. And that brings up another point, if you're going to include Europe in this you have to say Eurasia otherwise you're off target for reasons that can be explained if anyone gives enough of a fuck.




    PS, you forbid your wife from doing things? That's rather 1950s of you.




    Eurasia is still a part of the original one continent that got divided up into three.

    So yes, I include that.


    And my wife knows she sucks at driving.

    And that the reason why she's forbidden from driving on the highways is because she'll fucking kill herself/and my kids.

    It's what it is.

  18. This is where you are wrong though. Yes the line drawn on a map is man made but many of the borders on the ground/in real life are largely natural and based on physical barriers such mountain ranges, rivers and coastlines.




    All of which we have right here in the U.S of A.


    So is everything west of the Rockies a different continent than the mid west?

    What about everything east of the Mississippi?

    Is the U.S. now three different continents just because of mountains and rivers?

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