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Posts posted by 12packprophet

  1. Insert:









































































































































































    YAHOO NEWS!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Typical DAO, reads nothing beyond Yahoo headlines... Then argues a position.


    Yes you ignorant fuck, dude is a monster, he threatened them all.


    Please feel free to post a credible link to back up your claim that he threatened the lives of the kids and/or their family members.


    If you go to BWI boards, your fellow fanboys are making death threats and wishes upon the NCAA and the PSU BOT. I've never seen a dumber fanbase full of blind homers and sick human beings, and I've spent time on MSU, OSU & WVU boards (who I used to think we're the worst fans in CFB.)


    People from pensy are a bunch of mouth breathing, knuckle dragging meatballs who throw batteries at Santa Claus & live in denial of morals.


    You're living proof, even though you're a Texan.


    Did you not read my first post in this thread?

    I don't give a fuck about football or Penn State.

    I do however follow the news (no, not just yahoo news), and feel like people are character lynching Paterno on some mob mentality shit.

    By all accounts dude was not just a legend in his career, but a really good dude in the eyes of everybody who knew him.

    And now he's being thrown under the bus on some arm chair quarterbacking "well, he shoulda done this or that differently".

    The only thing he failed to do was jump the gun to ruin the life of his friend and co-workers life over some rumor shit that he didn't actually personally see himself.


    Are you saying that you wouldn't have hesitated to have ran to the cops if you heard a rumor about your boy?

  3. you dudes, especially realism..


    if you believe anything about the past 5 or 6 post of mine then you are the easily the most naive, non reading between the lines dipshits to EVER grace the 12oz prophet message board...holy shit! hahahahahahaa




    I was about to ask if you've been hitting the pipe. :lol:

  4. liek i said..


    they put him in a doctor scrubs to treat him like a reasonable person instead of putting him in a demoralizing blaze orange jump suit.


    he looks like...




    had butt baby with




    Wait... you were serious about that maroon jumpsuit shit?


    I'm gonna take a stab and guess that's just the color of the jump suits they wear in that county's jail.

    You know they wear pink in parts of Arizona, right?



    You aight, pffffffffft?

  5. It proves his credibility.... you have an amazing ability to extrapolate information. Just terrific insight.


    It really doesn't take a genius to know that bullets from a AR-15 would shred right through multiple plastic, felt and foam movie theater seats like nothing, thus ricocheting off the floors and/or penetrating the body's of people laying on the floor behind said seats.

  6. Youre taking the comments out of context and you know it, theres alot more names surronding his, thus the kill THEM all.


    You said im putting this all on Joe's shoulders.


    As for you being near my age, I know for a fact thats not true.


    I don't remember saying that you said that Joe Paterno was the only one at fault.

    Actually, I kinda doubt I said that.

    Maybe I did though, please feel free to quote me on it.



    ''And I wasn't blaming the kids for being molested'' - DAO


    Thats just laughable, its past facepalm worthy



    Actually, what I said was this:


    And how did he "sacrifice the innocence of young boys"?

    If there was any sacrificing of innocence, it was done by both Sandusky and the kids who allowed him to molest them.


    And it was in response to Drue accusing Paterno of "sacrificing the innocents of young boys".

    In other words, Paterno didn't have shit to do with it, didn't witness it, and the only thing he had to "report on" was rumors and innuendo.

    The only ones "sacrificing the innocence of young boys" was Sandusky and the kids he was having sex with. And possibly the ginger who supposedly walked in on dude butt-fucking a little boy and just kept it moving.

  7. Nah you said im laying all the blame on JoeJoe retard.

    Not once in this thread have I said its all his fault.'

    I dared you to quote me where I said anything of that sort, and you

    have failed to do so, as im sure you're failing as a parent.


    Maybe I misinterpreted this?:


    im glad his statue is gone, im glad he's dead,

    Kill them all



    Nah nigga, never been in a situation even remotely close to it.

    There is very few things that can get me umad over the net,

    but when a 40 something loser is blaming kids for getting sexually abused

    by old creeps, the little bit of decency in me comes out.



    Where the fuck do you people get that I'm in my 40s?

    I'm probably not that much older than you.


    And I wasn't blaming the kids for being molested.

  8. ....or when he threatens to kill you and your mom, but then you're a faggot for being scared of dying.



    Did Sandusky threaten to kill one of the kids and his mom if he doesn't take the pipe?

  9. wait so..if a 15 year old girl gets "talked" into sex with her much older male soccer coach...she's asking for it and its her fault?


    Well if she willingly spreads her legs, she sure as fuck ain't a rape victim.

  10. And therefore should be completely blamed for allowing some piece of shit to molest you. Got it.


    I didn't say completely to blame.

    I just said if you can be talked into letting a man touch you in a sexual way, then you were gay to begin with.

    Not laying blame on the kids, just saying though.

  11. And you didnt answer mine, because you cant.


    I already know the answer to my rhetorical question directed at you.

    Youre pathetic post in this thread have more than shown your true colors.


    Ive disagreed with you before, but after what you've said in here I wont ever be able to take anything you said remotely seriously.


    I pity your child


    I already answered them to other people in here, I'll be fucked if I'm gonna take the time to repeat myself while typing on my iPod at work.

    You haven't said a single thing that hasn't already been covered.

    Go back and read.

  12. I dont know everyone involved because this shit was too disgusting for me to even follow fully.


    There is plenty of evidence now that Joe knew alot more than what you doubters are saying he knew, im glad his statue is gone, im glad he's dead, and im glad Sandusky will rot in fucking prison.


    Whoever this ginger you speak of is, he should be feed to the dogs as ive previously posted.


    The other reason you hear Joe, Joe, Joe is because he was the captain, this orange fuck thats been mentioned was a low down correct? No one would even know his name, not that in anyway should get him out of the spotlight but he dosent have the same clout as the HC.


    Kill them all


    I find it comical that you're throwing niggas to the dogs and throwing "rot in pisses" around while simultaneously admitting that you don't know anything about the case.

  13. Quote me where im strictly putting the blame on him?


    And if your son was being molested by the vice principal, and the principal knew about it and did nothing short of what he should of done to stop it, how the fuck would you feel?


    I know, you'd ground your son, slap him, and call him a TPWF for letting a grown man fondle him when you came to pick him up from school.


    You piece of shit


    You're repeating questions that I've already answered in this thread.

    Go back and read before chiming in.

  14. Only a stupid fucking lousy piece of shit of a human being would really make this situation about the kids, and it being their fault.


    Everyday im less and less suprised that this world is failing as its filled with stupid fucks like DAO.


    How as a father can you possibly blame anyone but the fucking rapist right now, I cant even imagine having a conversation with someone in real life and hearing them say this shit without wanting to beat their skull in.


    Are you actually thinking with your pea sized brain about what you're saying?


    These were children, im sure you were a little fucking badass and would of shot his old crusty dick off with your glock yo!, but for alot of these kids they were picked out for being the lonely, vulnerable type who had nothing in their lives but football.


    He threatened to take the one thing away from them that kept them probably from living a life of depression and feelings of failure and used his authority like so many do to abuse those under him.


    You're so sure of yourself and what you would do and what should be done, in reality though I just cant see you doing anything other than getting on your knees and smiling like a donut because you are truly the definiton of a cock-sucker.


    Its stupid fucks like you who place blame on the victims and turn a blind eye to those who logistically supported this fucking filth for a stupid college sport program.


    You, Joe, Sandusky, his wife and everyone else involved should be locked in the back of a van full of hungry dogs.


    Jesus where do they make people so fucking ignorant?



    Only a lousy piece of shit would put the blame on paterno.


    And again, would you have allowed a dude to put his cock in you?

  15. You some kinda fag, Chupa? You woulda just laid there and took it? You too Drue.


    Every 3 year old with a North Philly neurology degree knows that only gay or abnormal kids let themselves be molested. Any robust heterosexual child faces no risk.


    Seriously, DAO, even though we disagree all the time I would probably enjoy drinking 40s with you and mocking people. But what you're saying here has me facepalming through the back of my head, and might be one of the worst inferences you've ever made.


    What you just said in satire trying to mock me is actually exactly what I'm saying.


    If you're old enough to know what a dick is for and you let some dude talk you into letting him put it in your mouth, you're gay.

  16. Jesus Christ DAO, you're mentality is a broke as your K. Figures some Penn fanboy like you would defend that sick fuck JoePa, it's also obvious you did not read the evidence linking JoePa as one of the co-conspirators. There's a paper trail and testimony, fact.


    Sandusky flew & JoePa knew.

    PEDO 182.


    PSU got off easy, should have been 13-14 year ban, one year for every year JoePa handed his buddy the lube, then shut the basement door. I'm glad they stripped his wins like Jerry stripped INNOCENT kids!


    Rest in piss JoePa, good riddance.


    And after you typed this nonsensical rant that makes absolutely no sense, I'm the one with the broke mentality?

  17. You make it sound like every kid that was ever molested or raped was cool with it and went willingly and "just allowed" it to happen. You're talking about little kids as if they can easily stop a grown ass man who is 3 or 4 times their size.


    I'm not going to pretend to know about all the details with Paterno, so I won't comment on that, but these statements you're making are beyond ridiculous.


    No, I was specifically speaking about the Sandusky case.

    Corect me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was accused of physically holding kids down and forcibly raping them prison style.


    Are you saying that when you were middle school age or older, you could have been fucked on the ass had you been alone with some perv against your will?

  18. ^Or maybe you could just make a thread about how you allowed your Catholic priest to put his cock in your mouth, but that doesn't make you gay cause you were 12.

    And how normal 12 year olds just allow themselves to be violated without fighting back.

  19. that natural news link is complete horse shit. I'm fairly certain that if two marginally educated fucknuts like eric harris and dylan klebold can put together such a well planned assault as they did, this college educated asswipe can do the same.


    first the amount was $10,000 in weapons and tactical gear, which i thought was overstated, and now its $20,000? who knows, maybe he had been stashing money away for a long time, very few people know what my finances look like even though I'm fairly broke, perhaps his grandmother died and left him money or something equally innocuous.



    and as for his behavior not "adding up" ppssshhhhh, watch almost any serial killer program or crime chronicle and the behavior rarely points in the right direction. people are deceptive and crafty, thats all. you tin hat fools are laughable



    I could be wrong, but didn't Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold raid their fathers closets?

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