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Everything posted by drew32091

  1. that vid was pretty fuckin dope. nice post wishbone!
  2. his handstyle is soo fuckin dope!
  3. go modesto! its friday! TIME TO GET FUCKED UP!!
  4. everytime i try to get up in here i get rope burn! haha old ass spot!!
  5. kinda reminds me of my first thowie
  6. vims got mad talent too! and trif mo fukas. bumb all three of them!
  7. dark eyed kid that styles hella dope
  8. i new mosk's shit was familiar! lol but the one i know got caught and doesnt write anymore.... oh well BUMB MOSK AND CRUISE!!!!
  9. yokai has been getting hella better
  10. yeah i know. i just like to fuck around alot lol
  11. i dont like to listen lol. but i should and heres some ive done in the past that really suck
  12. BUMB LORD ZIEK and ive seen the 956 sticker hella sick breh
  13. i got some lessons from a friend but i still dont think its that good at all. and i have no idea which way the 3-d would look in it
  14. dam bump every thing from the bay!
  15. they are slowly going down.. just very very slowly
  16. haha too much time put into this lol. thinking about it..........
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