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Felonious Monk

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Everything posted by Felonious Monk

  1. I'm guessing you've never been out of state
  2. Not the same Fowl Sinus has a mangina
  3. Congratulations on copy-pasting a news article from 2003 (if you couldn't count, that's 8 years ago) and showing the interwebs that this is your only source of knowledge on this so-called snitching subject. I'm glad you dodged my original response to my bidding to further show how out of touch you are with what the fuck is actually up. When it comes to things of this nature, it appears that the people who talk the most tend to have the least to say, and that's all I'll say about this.
  4. I don't usually enjoy posting things like this but I figured that I'd come out of the shadows for this one. First of all, I'd like to thank you for taking this picture from my flickr and reposting in the ounce with no real photo recognition (I'd also like to say thank you for posting the same garbage both on my flickr and on here with respect to the same picture). Secondly, I'd like to go ahead and say that you are officially a shit-talk monger. Because I am guessing you don't know what that word means, I'll go ahead and do some copy paste magic for you. As defined by Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, monger (in its noun form) may be described as: "a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable" Now I don't doubt that you feel righteous in your cause in informing the world that "Wyse is a snitch" because your homie-read-on-some-online-forum-from-some-guy-who-shook-hands-with-Wyse-once-said-he-was-snitching or maybe because you've heard it right from various duders mouths. All in all, it is their business and honestly concerns no one on the internet. Think about it, what difference are you going to make posting on all these websites that Wyse is a snitch? To save you the effort, the answer is none. All in all, thanks for reposting my picture and generally making people more interested in Wyse's work at this point in time. Later skater.
  5. To whomever sidebusted Swampy, you're right on track! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  6. Assholes need widening Y'all are faggots anyways
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