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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. not if you spell like a retard and are on here tryin to talk down to people. you a victim of the grammar police real quick.
  2. go work out around 8 ,9am and you will sleep regualr that night.
  3. everyones pussy, if you ask someone else. agree to disagree, or just kill each other.
  4. who gives a fuck. youre more concerned with being a tough guy then proving a point. who cares? ID was the biggest toy of the 90's, everyone knows that and knew that then! And yes2 did a ton of fuckin damage all city from tags in cutty spots everywhere! not heavy like others may have been known for, but for a white boy from uptown that kid went in. id did toy tags at fame spots and tunnels btwn 2 stations on the L train. LMFAOOOO. great career! pffffffffffffffffffffff... compairing yes2 to id is a complete joke. dont waste your testoserone 238th.
  5. I have a Browning Hi-Power in 9 mm, It is basically an improved version of the 1911 classic 45. its expensive to shoot large caliber ... Ive owned sig's, glocks and ruger but my browning is an excellent shooter and not too expensive. Shotguns are good fun, and shooting whilst drunk is also amazing. I have a pretty pimpy ruger sr 22 which looks like an ar 15, that is cheap as fuck to shoot and kills piles of small animals. truth.
  6. Drag an Nemz handstyle alone is better then anything comin out of all them queenz toy crews, spend 3 pages arguin about that.
  7. straight lying out of your face, and who are you preaching to anyway? like 7 kids under the age of 20 who troll this thread daily? lol preach on playa, but if you was a real man talkin shit about another man, youd leave your name and see whats really hood. especially about someone who never knocks anyone out right? you must reallllllly be pussy.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. mtv grind was cool, but that spring break outdoor shit was gay.
  9. Look at you telling straight lies on the internet. How do you even live with yourself? When in reality YOU are one of the people Cope's KO'd and you only pop up online to pop shit on these rare occasions when Cope's name is in the press under new screen names or anonymous posts on other sites. Cope is out there at walls, and shows, and other countries, if you was a man youd say all this shit to his face, but you rather be an online bitch. Youre an embarrassment to NYC, go back to where you came from and take your brother with you. You know what time it is, with your brand new screen name signed up yesterday, and every post directed to Cope. Your undercover fanboys.
  10. at least someone on here has a brain.
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