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Walid Jumblat

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Posts posted by Walid Jumblat

  1. Yeah, I get it, same answer though, our books would disappear and we would have nothing to hold on to ourselves. The equal amount of books to people is what makes the idea work.



    *Look, I'm not going to be a stick in the mud and hold this shit up if it's the only thing stopping it from happening. So unless we find a solution sooner than later I'll pull out. Could have spent that $22 on fucking beer, damnit.

  2. the deal is that everyone buys a book each and sends it to the next person on the list. So as you send one book off, you get another book sent to you and we continue the process until your own book does the full circle and makes it back to you full of pieces. This means that everyone has the cost of buying a book and there is less chance some one will tax a book as they're going to get their own back anyway.


    So you should only ever have to send to one person and receive from one other person the whole time.


    Only problem with that is one person in the US gets lumped with the cost of sending all the books overseas. That's the pickle we're trying to work out now.

  3. I don't mind about 4-5 people in the US having my address if that helps share the pain. Also if two peeps want to send their books at the same time that may work out ok as well.


    So am I supposed to be sending to Alts now, going off that list up there?

  4. I think it's a bit naive to think that just because you show interest you're in. GOGP said at the get go that he wasn't aiming this at learners and given this is his idea he gets to call the shots. I also don't see it as upping the talent to try and sell the idea either, it's getting things laid right so the plan comes off as desired.


    IF it makes you feel any better I don't expect to have my number called and all that means is that I gotta lift my game. That's how the graff game is played mate, you either got the skills or you got practice to do. Pretty fair and objective stuff, really.

  5. So if I hypothetically purchased a CD, retained the receipt but damaged/lost/left the CD in parents garage on the other side of the country, would it be considered a breach of the law if I hypothetically went on to a torrent site and DL'd the same CD?

  6. Without trying to be too presumptuous I think it's safe to say that








    are all in as we already know they make the grade. The rest of should probably have to qualify. That's just my opinion, happy to be pulled in to line on it though.

  7. BBs move in a circle so you're always going to be sending to the same person and receiving from the same person (kind of like that human centipede movie). I can live with it as I live pretty much isolated from the rest of the world and you're all welcome to my personality and bank account. Others may have a problem with it though.


    The issue of theft is dealt with under the rule that if person A doesn't send on Person D's book, then whoever has Person A's book sends it to person D to make up for the loss. Secondly, why would you gank some one else's book when you have one coming to you anyway?


    I know there are dickheads out there that will try and pull shit, but hey, you got to take risks if you want to achieve something. That's life, nothing ventured nothing gained.

  8. Fuck it, why don't we have a qualifying process whilst we iron out the other details?



    Here's a random selection of some stuff, some finished some unfinished.






    Fashn wing by jiangtaixi, on Flickr




    l bot by jiangtaixi, on Flickr


    A pretty old one:


    fashn mirror 2 by jiangtaixi, on Flickr




    some unfinished shit and doodles



    IMG_8161 by jiangtaixi, on Flickr



    IMG_8159 by jiangtaixi, on Flickr



    IMG_8135 by jiangtaixi, on Flickr




    It's GOGP's thread and idea so I guess it's his call who makes it in.

  9. Including Indica that makes about 13 and I think if we cap it at that it should be a good size.


    Of course if we get heads like Seen, Rime, Mek, Can2, etc., offering to join we might make an exception ;)


    *Edit, possibly more people in the UK and Aust. might be worthwhile as it makes the expense of sending it here more rational.

  10. Too many people will also stretch the timeline out as to when you get your book back.


    Need to have a balance between a good amount of people enough to make it worthwhile but not so many that you don't see the book for 10 months and you lose track of it after 5 anyway.

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