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Everything posted by KADE_ONE

  1. false tpbm haves some good chase stories
  2. false tpbm feels like punching a friend at times
  3. true, but i dont have fuck up teeth so :smiles: tpbm is shy
  4. but why so much random extensions? is not about how many extensions you have is about the letters you have but if you want to keep doing that is all good
  5. true,twice tpbm is still scared of the dentist
  6. your letters are basic but whats up with all those unnecessary extensions? i suggest you practice your letters more instead of hideing them between the extensions but thats just my opinion it looks pretty good..props
  7. false tpbm owns more then 2 game systems
  8. fosho girl hope you dont get wet again from negging me
  9. clean post screaming hand logo and for obnoxious i can care less if you like my shit ill do what i do and youll do what you do ok girl?
  10. haha i dont care if people take me serious,so you should quit getting on your period over a fucking name like it or not name's will be repeated so chill out:cool:
  11. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
  12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. bumping some andre nickatina......and "loling" at obnoxious
  14. hahaha shut up because all you do is talk shit in here and you dont even state your name.
  15. false,having fun their i see tpbm is an ass
  16. true,their ok tpbm is totally the trendy hipster
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