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Posts posted by bigdoughnut69

  1. Yeah for sure. I know to lower my weight whenever i struggle with form, it's usually when my back starts to round.


    Shit's just excruciating, I find like 80% of lifting is mental (getting yourself pumped up and motivated) and the rest physical. If you're not feeling up it on a certain day, chances are you won't be able to get the weight up.


    I've also been having problems with my knees, pain and overall weakness. I've always had knee problems but I'm really noticing their effect on my gains now that the weight is getting heavier.


    Then don't go so heavy. Change your workouts by shortening the rest time between sets, slowing


    the negative part of the movement and explode on the positive. Squeeze your quads as hard as you


    can when you squat. You don't need a lot of weight to kill your muscles. Do drop sets, supers, listen


    to your body.


    ...AND NEVER, EVER, LET YOUR BACK ROUND!!! Look straight up at the ceiling and kick your hips


    forward. Your form sounds horrendous. Look up some videos on proper squat form.

  2. I brutalize my legs at least twice a week. I'm a masochist and enjoy the torture.


    The harder you work your legs, the greater your overall strength goes up.


    Focus on proper technique and don't get so concerned with what your putting up.


    I guarantee you'll get there safely and will have built a better foundation.

  3. I understand your upset and all but look at it this way, you have a steady source of


    income paying some portion of your mortgage. Maybe look towards finding new tenants when their


    lease nears it's end. He's paying your motgage=you already win.

  4. You know, life has been kicking me in the balls for the last 7 months and I kept telling my self, "It's


    gonna get better..., fight even harder", and I did. I worked my ass of in every fucking


    aspect of my life and today I kicked life back in it's nuts and got some motherfucking results.


    So, what am I doing right now??


    I'm actually smiling. Life is a little better today.

  5. Sounds to me that it's just his name on the Restaurant. Which, if you attach your name to something,


    you better keep an eye on it or else inferior product will make it to the customer.


    I doubt the review would have been any different in CHICAGO. You wanna play in the big leagues??


    Better be ready for big time criticism.


    Fierie was the same doosch who was the spokesman for TGI Fridays and got filmed, drunk, completely


    bad mouthing the restaurant he was getting paid big dollars to represent.


    Fucking idiot. Promptly fired.

  6. Re: Hennessy Youngman AKA aka Henrok Obama aka Henrokallah................................


    naw fuck that shit why would i look passed any of that the guy is what he lives.


    he is not something i am cool with he could be all smart n shit play the art world game make a couple bucks of his mediocer art over exadurate the whole thing as hennessy dickmouth but hes gotta stay true to the roots of what he is saying and this guy isnt he is using his henny character as testicles to say shit hes to shook to say as himself aka the pussy aka 40bottle kaboom aka you get the idea


    he dont got the parts to be who he reallhy wants to be so he punks himself and unkowingly the part of his viewing audience he is actually trying to make a difference to by learning them the world. the guy is a pussy hiding behind a spiderman hat.


    i would give the guy daps and look passed dao smashing this dudes melon with broken glass if he wasd able to bridge the gap without being a spike lee joint between art world and "urban dude" by carrying himself consideratly in the confines of cosby sweater shrines but have the balls to call a spade a spade and say shit like he did about that famous artist guy having sweat shop kids making his pieces and diamond crusting baby skulls.


    he is exactly what this thread dictates him as, an outlet to break beer bottles and watch bleed.

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