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Posts posted by JUST THE TIP

  1. d habs, how you livin? what you up to nowadays? i have a management position where i cake the fuck up and have fun all day long. this year ive been in 6 different countries and put my crew up in literally every major city on the west coast. dont talk like you know me, dummy.

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  2. dont listen to dirty habit. if a really hot girl wants to fuck you, its an incredible waste of an opportunity to use a condom with her. cum inside of her and enjoy it.


    and fuck saving money when youre 20. youve got another 50-60 years ahead of you, and you arent going to be all that attractive or energetic when you get older. so do lots of dangerous activities, blow money on stupid shit, fall asleep in a movie theater because you smoked heroin for half an hour in your shitty pickup truck in the parking lot while listening to the local rock station. get in fights. and dont win all of the fights. get your fucking ass kicked sometime.


    and if you HAVE to save money, save your funds so you can travel. dont save up for some faggot car or a new cell phone - save money for doing blow off your passport in amsterdam.


    also, fuck some 17 year old girls. because before you know it, youre 27 years old, working next door to a quinceanera shop, and you spend your days smoking cigarettes and telling yourself what a sick fuck you are because you just thought about fingerbanging a 15 year old mexican girl with huge tits.


    just sayin.


    and as far as work, learn a trade.

  3. lilstcynical put me onto doug stanhope recently. god bless her for that. motherfucker damn near made me cry. and im pretty fucking picky when it comes to standup.


    doug on sarah palin:

    "she has a baby with down syndrome for christ sake - how do you get america to get behind her when even god hates her?" :lol:

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