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Posts posted by JUST THE TIP

  1. hella jealous! i was supposed to spend oct in porto alegre with a homegirl, but accepted a job offer so that journey has been put on the back burner... thanks for the pics. so fuckin rad.

  2. America needs to really overhaul the justice system when you get anything over a weekend/few weeks for vandalism. But that won't happen, the country makes too much money on the prison system.


    oregonians passed a supposed anti-tweaker bill that was going to "get tough" on repeat offenders of various non-violent crimes...criminal mischief happened to be included in the bill. so nowadays, if you have misdemeanor priors for criminal mischief and end up getting popped for painting a choo-choo, youre most likely looking at a mandatory prison sentence, since vandalism to a train is a felony.


    i know im preaching to the choir, but....fuuuucck.

  3. my BFF is currently in prison for rap letters on a freight. 18mo sentence and the poor bastard had never even done a day in a county jail, prior to being sentenced. weaksauce. oregon will throw you in prison hella quick for rap letters nowadays if you have any priors for crim mischief. all while the fuckin state complains about being broke. fuuuck. tax payers will end up payin over $30,000 to house my little homie who did (according to court papers) ~$200 worth of damage. america, fuck yeah.


    motherfuck the us judicial system.




    amusing story he recently told me:

    at his last prison, some wheelchair bound fella had been snitching ppl out for various activities...eventually one day on the yard, two people ran by mr wheelchair, one from each direction, and simultaneously punched him in the face. dude fell out of his chair, and a shitload of inmates picked up stones and started throwing them at the guy while he tried to crawl back to his chair. handicapped nigguhs get it too.

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