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Chicken McFucketts

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Posts posted by Chicken McFucketts

  1. I lolled quite a bit at this one.[/font][/color][/size]





    Just watched it, thanks for the heads up. Decent flick alright, not your usual action movie, predictable enough to be able to follow the story line while high, and not miss out on too much. Funny enough to giggle a bit even if sober.



    ps. took me a while to figure out who are these Bruce Tracy and Willis Morgan fellows. /braindeadoner

  2. Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Atleast put a warning saying gigantic turd incomming!


    ..on the other hand I can only blame myself.

    Carry on, while I finish this sandwich.



    edit. now it's kinda funny. Pic should be enlarged for extra detail

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