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Posts posted by Pew_Pew_Pew

  1. saph.jpg


    saph..couldnt really say in words what i thought was weird so i just added some suggestions...

    the lil extra thing at the side was just ur A rotated 180 degrees...can be used as a P ?


    Yo man, thanks for the in depth crit! I haven't been on in a few days as I had a death in the family. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate it and imma keep workin on it!

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  2. The Super77 spray adhesive is not re-positionable. If you're worried about getting it on their the first time, everytime, I would look for a spray adhesive that is re-positionable.


    Scrapbooking shops might be able to help you out, they have many archival quality materials. Chat em up and see what they tell you.

  3. SDC11416.jpg


    Digging this except for the right part black fill in the A. Not sure where the black comes in from the B..would be a funky bar on the B.


    Excellent work man. I want you to paint my desk now LOL

  4. Take my advice and Rustos....spray that shit everywhere and don't use a gasmask/respirator.....


    Go back and watch High Fidelity, maybe there is an answer in that movie for why you're a dumbass for asking this fucking question on a forum.

  5. Clear gloss acrylic for a top coat.


    But not the kind you paint on, get the spray, make sure you don't use a respirator or it'll fuck it all up.


    Use immediately after finishing while paint is still wet.

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