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Posts posted by 50million

  1. First stick n pokes: 15 - hearts on my fingers and one for the sf band hickey on the side of my lip. Got them all redone with a gun when I was 17.


    I sticked n poked Lily. Diamond on her arm. It's cute.

  2. This stuff drives me crazy.

    My ex-wife went to Evergreen which is full of 3rd gender/pangender politics nonsense and I've been exposed to every level of this nonsense.


    If you like to suck dick and were born with a dick, you're gay.

    If you like vagina and born with a vagina, you're a lesbian.

    If you have either and like either, you're bi.

    It doesn't matter how you dress or how you like to fuck.


    Identity is bullshit, playing the victim is bullshit. I truly have no respect/patience for shit like this. First world problem nonsense. A bunch of spoiled motherfuckers with too much time that have found the audacity to catch feelings about everything blowing in the wind.


    Agreed. But all those folks in my life who are trams or "pan" or whatever don't make it a big deal. They are who they are and don't need to flaunt it.


    There's also folks who are just super unsure of who they are and have major issues identifying. I could understand that.


    Fun fact: my good friend who identifies as man had a baby. Most confusing conversation ever.

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