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Posts posted by 50million

  1. if you had pate....its KINDA like that.



    there is definitely a meaty flavor and texture...yet really rich and great with just a touch of salt on top. its spreadable like butter and goes real nice with brioche.


    it's really good on top of a nice steak too.

  2. fist may have responded to this i'm not sure i didn't check. but frozen vegetables are actually the best aside from being fresh. they are generally frozen at a peak ripeness and done so very rapidly (flash frozen) in huge blast chillers. as far as preservatives in frozen veg it is only the freeze put on them to preserve them. now i can't tell you that they're GMO free cause most of them probably are.




    you're totally right. there are some high quality frozen veggies out there, they just are really gross to me. i think i ate some when i was little and barfed them all up and just could never eat them again. frozen fruits are ok though. not sure exactly why...some kind of stigma.

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  3. I'm just going to point out that I was drunk browsing this thread last night, and I thought 5 from Australia started it...this shit reads like someone who isn't from America is complaining about the way a lot of people eat here.


    Looking at it now, it just became 400 times more retarded. You live here and yet you're fronting like there's no such thing as a good meal, but you love to talk about all the good meals and high society food you eat...





    good meals shouldnt just be in high society. i love a fucking down n dirty taco truck burrito just as much as a 'fancy' meal. but really why should that 'fancy meal' cost me so much? because nutritious food in america is underrated, or not very sought after.




    in germany, they go home for lunch fo 2 hours. shops shut down and friends and family are allowed to cook, eat, talk, have a good time then go back to work. that sounds pretty interesting. not sure if they still do this...

  4. still...i'm bringing back to one of my main points - grocery shopping is fucking weird. the way most food is grown in america is fucking weird. the way its packaged, processed, and shipped is fucking weird. yes it happens in other countries, but some of the extreme lengths that these american companies go through just to bring processed and packaged food to the grocery store is incredibly absurd. i see it more as marketing than actually trying to nourish people. that where the nutrition classes in school would be awesome...


    so yes i think its sad when cooking is lost through generations - like what JUST THE TIP said: "the experience of eating and preparing food with your friends and family is extremely underrated in the states, imo. with the exception of the good ol american bbq, of course."


    i totally agree.



    i dont always have time to cook a huge meal for breakfast lunch or dinner. i work for a living. so yes, i do enjoy going out to restaurants where someone *hopefully* more trained in the culinary world than me can prepared something for me to eat. but in my fucked up head - i somewhat find that is more natural/better than me than opening up a can of raviolis and eating them.

  5. my dads job just got relocated. my parents dont really like each other, but they have gotten old enough where they just said fuck it. my mom had to move with him, 5 hours away. they lived in the house i grew up in. sure they rented, it was a duplex, behind some ghetto apartments near a busy street and a 7-11, but they lived there for so long.


    she was hella sad to move far away from me...but she has a new house and im hoping she will like it.

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