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Posts posted by 50million

  1. who the fuck gives a shit about french girls from montreal?


    thats like saying californians are like texans.


    dont you have a shift at tgifridays youre late for, bitch?





    i was talking about their PUSSY'S....and last time i checked, montreal was in canada. or did i not get that memo?



    there isnt a TGIF for miles from here.



    sooooo ouch. you got me there. my feelings so super hurt.

  2. well i went to vancouver last year, just for a vacation. on the top of the list: get some poutine.



    it's Belgian style fries (how they cook it - twice fried i believe) then they smother it with brown gravy, and cheese curds. the cheese curds are amazing! i dont know why we dont see them more in the states. theyre pretty mild and not slimy at all. it melts well too. poutine is definitely salty depending on where you get it, but oh man is it amazing.




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