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Kaepora Gaebora

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Everything posted by Kaepora Gaebora

  1. That's real tight! Perfect straight letter if it were to be on a freight. The thicknesses of the U is kind of off.
  2. A.k.a time only goes on as long as there are people to perceive it? Thanks for the second tic-tac by the way.
  3. That's fucking crazy. Math based art. Mind=Blown.
  4. If I were ever good at math, I would definitely attempt to excel in some chaos theory type shit. It looks incredibly interesting, but fucking hard as hell. My current teacher studied the chaos theory in grad school. Dude is a fucking geek. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory
  5. That SIGH is fresh. As well as that AEST. The S is legit, in AEST's piece.
  6. All he needs is a table and a line of cocaine and it's him.
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