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Everything posted by VDubz

  1. VDubz


    of your gona wear a bandana you really should only have it on in the moment your painting, cuz honestly, you look a little shady walking down the street at 3 in the morning with a bandana covering your face. and seriously, dont be an idiot and wear one that is the color any gang in your area represents....youll get capped
  2. VDubz


    from reading on their website, im pretty sure they do, but i dont think it would be an easy thing to make happen.
  3. VDubz

    Chill Walls

    50ft and higher billboards are they way to go if your just starting out. make sure you get the schematics of the light box from the city though so you can figure out how to make the lights turn off while your up there. if they ask why you need them just say you want to paint on the billboard. they wont care. i do it all the time
  4. VDubz

    graff on kicks

    why would you write graff on your shoes? dont you think it makes you look a little suspicious? i mean if you dont wear them then thats cool i guess.............
  5. if you rob a toy for his montana cans your not stealing from him....your stealing from his mommey.......................so go for it!
  6. i did it today. worked fine. its just a matter of trial and error
  7. bombing someones house or something like that would most certainly get reported to the police. why would you give them a better chance to see your work and study it?
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