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Posts posted by StoneBonerOner

  1. fuck this thread is embarassing, not even sure what you are really asking here. advice on banging escorts? heres my advice: dont be a bitch, and if you arent confident enough to fuck an escort without consulting with a public internet forum first then you should stick to jacking off to your victorias secret catalogue.

  2. so, SWIM works at a tattoo shop and they get this weird vietnamese guy in there all the time trying to sell weird shit, stuffed goats, goats horns, various skulls. and he brought in a human skull yesterday for sale. i never knew about the market for human skulls, it was missing the top row of teeth and he was asking $1500.

  3. ^Were you a fan of Oblivion?


    yeah I almost got 100% completion, Skyrim is on a way different level though, and you dont HAVE to make food and all that shit, it helps though.


    It would be better if you could call your horse like in red dead, or sms it... "hay hors com to witerun I need u. dragnz evrywher lol"

  4. LLove Sprite with Codiene doe!


    ive drank this shit everyday for the past couple months.


    also my bro built one of these when he was like 12, he had a sick one with a crushed velvet trailer he made himself with a sub and deck, he filled in the frame, flake paint, pinstripe, ordered all the twisted handlebars n shit.



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