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Everything posted by investwit.thabest

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear whomever, just when I believe life us becoming better shit occurs. It's as if an outside force does not wish for me to be satisfied or content at any time in life. I won't incorporate details within this post because I don't really feel like it.. Yet here I am in such a typical situation I'm laying here at 1am, when I have to get up again at 6 for school. I feel like a fucking pussy because I've been crying, but all this shits gotten to be a bit much and there was no other alternative. My feelings for this one girl also continualy grow yet I'm terrified to take a chance, knowing I'll mre then likely get shot down.. On top of that i would never wanna lose her as a friend as it is. And as if any of this other extra shit wasn't enough to fuck life up my family just really isn't helping anythig. From painnin the ass grandparents, smartass unsupportive aunts and others, and a continuously manipulative and unhelping father, where the fuck else to I go to vent.. Fuck it all u don't even care to vent an more.. I'll go continue to cry pathetic streaks of thick water onto my pillow as u try to fade into a depressive sleep. Maybe someday all this bullshit will straighten out and I won't feel so heartbroken.. Wishpplknewthefullstoryoner, invest
  2. True on occasion tpbm has a Phd in something
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear robo lol thats kinda funny, but ch'yeah i feels you. invest
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear robojones lol. has she committed such an offense against you? invest
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear robo, i think i might smash too invest
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear NBB thumbs up to that invest
  7. false i like summer and fall better tpbm has pissed in snow before, made a "lemon snowcone", then laughed as somebody u gave it to ate it
  8. false tpbm has been to over 4 countries
  9. false i need to though tpbm has been to cancun
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear life you've seemed to be getting steadily positive, keep it up invest
  11. false school.. so close enough tpbm has a diploma or ged
  12. false im broke tho tpbm makes 100k a year
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ___, im dropping tears.. invest
  14. buddy it was sarcasm, sorry. like it was said above real niggas would have shown up in suits and had some respect at least for an hour or so of their life too bad lil waynes a fucking tool and is gonna be somebodys bitch in the slammer have fun, getting yanked by ur dreads and crying like a bitch, weezy
  15. yep last week lol tpbm has nuts to be kicked in
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