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Cult 50

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Everything posted by Cult 50

  1. ahhhhh big red letters *procedes to go practice under bed* but no i just wanted a crit on some older work to see if it would be able to go with the newer stuff, like combining styles and such
  2. yeah i have a complex about proportion lol but like i said made this awhile ago wuz jus diggin through all my old junk
  3. i made this awhile ago 9's outta proportion idk just wonderin what yall think i dont like it 2 much well better go work some more =P oh and btw u might have to look hard to c the lines(horrible quality)
  4. ......rly? or is that sarcasm?
  5. yeah it is a toy idea...letters would mainly be anything that doesnt curve like T, K, L, E, etc.
  6. i dont rly have options right now it seems that all the original/good names have been taken
  7. hey man im rdy im plannin on changin my name anyway but i havent come up with nuthin yet
  8. just got back in regular skool and its a pain in the ass Xd
  9. i write cult not colt and 50 not 45
  10. hey man it was just like a joke i wuz bored in class and drew it and y cant i write cult 50?
  11. lol i had nothing better to do now that im finally back in skool all i do is slack off and do this XD
  12. my friend wuz rawring at me today during class so i used this to rawr back lol crits plz
  13. taking medicine for my massive migraine =(
  14. how about the topic of: you must be a genius of grammer n8galicia?
  15. wondering why everyone on 12oz hates me
  16. so am i the only one not able to comprehend what this guy says?
  17. dam lol back to the drawing bored i guess...
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