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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. Re: Maine Funk few things to go over here. bump: rich floatin. bump: that real old ich frieght. bump: those ICH pieces.. NO SKULLS?! nice finds
  2. Re: Maine Funk all stolen, all posted before, break in the monotony anyone got some vast pics? dude was doing nice things
  3. Re: Maine Funk good quality for night - cool train spottin vid, catchin some learns and ich's - "I was disgusted at seeing grafitti on just about every one of the rail cars" in the description lol
  4. Re: Maine Funk back on the hate train chooo chooooo
  5. Re: Maine Funk always accessible! duck dive dodge, snip kick
  6. Re: Maine Funk some old shit there sept, super clean throwie, i met SPAN a few years ago cool dude, you can still catch little handstyles of his on rooftops n shit
  7. Re: Maine Funk so few nights driving home thought i was having flashbacks, but i saw they started painting the oil tanks in south
  8. Re: Maine Funk wtf someone capping that little ich/ wish lack still did that face all over
  9. Re: Maine Funk lolll WE IN DA VIP! hope youre all fat as me now. food babies are coming
  10. Re: Maine Funk nice to see some history.
  11. Re: Maine Funk balance always killin it with the pics! great! have old pics of asylum? a buddy of mine had a polaroid of a huge burning 20 or 50dollar bill on the back door, was super nice and showed how much better the graff was 5-10 years ago
  12. Re: Maine Funk The Risks and Disadvantages involving in the use Of EDI Trading Partners Involvement - Highly dependence on the participation of trading partners. It is extremely difficult to get a high level of supplier compliance. EDI will be a meaningless if your trading partner didn't get involve using EDI system effectively. Costly for smaller companies - Many small companies are facing resources problems in getting starter with the initial implementation of EDI system. It is beyond the resources these companies to invest tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in setting and implementation costs, as well as weeks of personnel training, to get an EDI system running. Difficult to agreed on standard used - Even though there are widely-accepted and widely-used standards, there are no ways to force trading partners to accept these standards. Cooperation between trading partners is needed in order to develop a common rules to avoid differ in interpretation.
  13. Re: Maine Funk more graffiti please! anyone getting excited about the sound barrier?
  14. Re: Maine Funk this is in maine.. and if legit, then very old! any older heads know if this style of lettering was used by him? there was ton of ich stuff all around there but much newer and blocky
  15. Re: Maine Funk what up og's! cool shines richdog
  16. Re: Maine Funk buff seems to be on vaca but did a lot of damage a month ago
  17. Re: Maine Funk cool but so whys this in this thread?
  18. Re: Maine Funk diggin the red/yellowgreen cookie cut out esko there
  19. Re: Maine Funk upsidedown and backwards
  20. Re: Maine Funk do as much sweet shit before the worms eat your flesh!
  21. Re: Maine Funk train for ya - got a flick of a realll old ICH up in a yard on a wall. ill try to get up soon here. looked like some 80's def leppard logo type shit ^^^ Re: Maine Funk - 06-23-2009, 04:00 PM ^^^ a little late for your rebuttal sir
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