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Posts posted by boost™

  1. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    my penis is telling me yes!!!


    i dont have plans on dating her tho....atleast i dont think. Her background is clean. for the four years ive known her she only had 2 bf's and like 2 dudes shes flirted/messed with, i know she had sex with only 1 dude, and she kinda falls for dudes a little 2 easy. shes not a slut, and i think shes on to me bcuz im different from them other hipster preppy faggots she's used of talking to. + she digs my style.


    I think telling my friend is out of the question its like a instant no, believe me when i 1st saw his sister i was like "dude, would u be mad if i tapped?" this nigga said shut the fuck up."



    its funny cuz alll my our friends joke around sayin "dayyuuum yer sister's fuckin hot, ima smash n yatta yatta"...but i actually might.

  2. its not a for-sure thing that ima plug her, im just debating with these comments/advice


    one of the main reasons that make me not wanna smash is..


    her brother has always had my back, i get into alot of shit sometimes and he's always there to throw-down.

  3. god this is so hard, i went to my friends crib to chat, and she was there eyeing me down, wanting my dick i could fucking tell!!! I felt horny as fuck cuz she was lookin super sexy!!! but then i felt like a fucked up friend when i was around my buddy. All i could think was "ima fuck yer sister, ima fuck yer sister, ima fuck yer sister" when i was by dude.


    I think im going to fuck her guys, im going to try and keep it low key and hope no one ever finds out. And if he does hopefully he gets over it.


    Oh and p.s this dude is like nuts about his sister's protection. He gets mad if she even talks to a dude...

  4. i ask him / joke with him plenty times, one time i told em, "you wouldnt let me date her?? im yer best friend!! im not no random nigga u dont know!" he kinda thought about it but then he was like "NO"


    i know it should it be bros b4 hoes but goood damn shes sooo fuckin hott! i aint no ugly dude either but shesh.


    And now that i kissed her already it makes me want more...



    but anyway how would i break it to her that i cant talk to her like that?

  5. Sup members of 12oz, im stuck on a problem that really has me thinking......



    This dude has been my friend for about 4years and dudes like my closet friend i got. He has a sister, supppper fucking hot! Me and his sister are cool and we talk(not like that) when im over his crib. Yesterday she texted me saying to come pick her up and take her to mcdonalds. So i did, she told me to drop her off a block away, i was confused why but w.e. She gave me a hug and then she planted a kiss on me!!! I was just sprung and just blocked out the fact that this is my best friends sister and started to kiss her back.



    I dont know how to feel, she promised me she wont tell him or anyone else and its our little secret...but she texts me alot flirting saying "when are we gonna hang out again ;)." I think she wants to fuck and i aint sure if i want to tho...this dudes my bestfriend and if he ever finds out, im fucked.




    Got any advice??


    oh and im 19 shes 17.


    heres a pic of her..



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  6. if you are having a kid soon, and you want the best for him, buy bonds NOW, 50s or 100s and series EE, don't give him the bonds until they mature to full face value or save it till it gains more interest and goes over face value.


    my dad did this he bought me 140 $100 bonds from 1987, he gave him on my 18 birthday...so far i cashed 3 of them and i got $523.87

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