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Posts posted by boost™

  1. my schedule


    Sunday - Biceps / Back


    Tuesday - Triceps / Chest


    Thursday - Shoulders


    I do heavy lifting and stay in the gym for like 45 minutes


    Don't do my legs much because i have arthritis in one knee from wrenching on cars so damn much. Don't do abs much because i have a fast metabolism so i never have a gut a pretty toned stomach, plus ill just be burning calories.


    Pre-workout = half a scoop of jack3d, dont like taking alot because then you become dependent on it.


    After workout = Beyond Raw Rebuilt Mass 2 scoops


    Daily = Animal Pack multivitamin



    Been working out for a year in August. I'm 140lbs now but trying to be 170 this summer.




    My bench:


    Flat = 160 with the bar

    Incline = 145 with the bar

    Decline = 125 with the bar

  2. :lol:


    You can come across some sketchy shit jogging, especially at night.


    haha hell yeah, i went out for a jog one night and i was going down this little nature trail around 9 and i see a creepy van that looks abandon i peeked inside i saw 2 bums fucking 1 black hoe and 2 other bums shootin up, in the dark. I sprinted the fuck outta there

  3. if you are having a kid soon, and you want the best for him, buy bonds NOW, 50s or 100s and series EE, don't give him the bonds until they mature to full face value or save it till it gains more interest and goes over face value.


    my dad did this he bought me 140 $100 bonds from 1987, he gave him on my 18 birthday...so far i cashed 3 of them and i got $523.87

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