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Posts posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. No car, if I get out there ive heard car is pretty much a must. so ill factor that in.


    I guess ideally id live within walking distance to the sea.


    whats rent like for 1, living modestly?



    Based on what you're saying, you might want to try the Venice area. Or Santa Monica.


    Venice rents are increasing due to more gentrification.


    Santa Monica is nicer/cleaner, but Venice I guess has a more "cultured" vibe to it and a little grimier. Santa Monica is more expensive overall, but there are affordable areas in SM just as there are in Venice.


    Marina Del Rey is in a harbor area near Venice, but is pricier.


    Obviously there are other beach areas -- Play Del Rey, El Segundo, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, etc... But Venice is more closer to the "real" LA...

  2. Not to sound argumentative, but the marine deployment was authorised four years before Australia was even told about it, and not it wasn't a mutual agreement, it was a "guess what we're about to do, you're going to love it!".


    Also, you might be surprised how having fighter jets and offensive tactical training manoeuvres might lessen your life quality if you happen to live anywhere near the base. Apparently the chance of a sexual assault among American forces is 1 in 20.


    Chicks do love it when a USS Navy boat arrives though, that's true for days.



    Didn't hear about that, and haven't read it to really have an opinion. If true, I agree US legislators should have alerted the country they were planning this with. Still, if that's the case it is in Australia's full power to reject the proposal. Apparently the majority of politicians in Canberra liked the idea.


    As far as the fighter jets go... having been to Darwin, I know it's a heavily military garrisoned area... There's several bases there. The town essentially exists as a result of the bases. So I'm not sure why someone would move to a military town like Darwin and act shocked there are military exercises in the area. I'm sure sexual assaults are a reality among most militaries globally. Lots of horny, aggressive young men.


    Maybe Theo and I got a pass when folks found out we are from California? I found that was kind of the case with the Dutch....


    Well I consider myself to be pretty chill & laid back... Minding my business or talking to people with respect... especially when in foreign lands... made friends there as well... So I figure someone would have to be a pretty big asshole to just hate me simply for being born in a certain area.


    Speaking of Dutch, I think the only possible anti-American incident I encountered was in Amsterdam. But I don't think the dude was Dutch, he was Arab or something. And this was during the height of the Iraq War, just a few years after it started... I was in one of those coffee shops talking to someone, and the minute I spoke he glared at me with disgust for a while. Possibly recognized the accent. I had never seen this guy ever before so I'm not sure what his issue was... but it's all speculation. I eventually stared back at him and then he finally looked away.


    The dude was rolling a blunt while he was looking pissed, so he couldn't have been a devout Muslim. Then again a lot of those Muslims are hypocrites; drinking, smoking weed, watching porn, etc.

  4. I heard about those US marines being stationed there. I believe in the Darwin area... Seems pointless. But it's only about 1,000 marines or so, based in an Australian base (not a new US one), so I don't see how it would affect the average Australian's life in any way.


    This was also a mutual agreement between both governments -- it's not like Obama said "we're putting troops here whether you like it or not" -- so instead of just blaming America I would think people would also recognize that their own representatives in Parliament approved of it.

  5. Well I'm basing my idea on two things... A nationwide poll taken in Australia, and firsthand experience.


    Poll I read said Australia had like 16% saying they hated Americans, about 17% saying they liked Americans, and the rest (over 60%) saying they were neutral/indifferent. Also I have worked in Australia on more than one occasion a few years ago, and never remember getting any flack or dislike. Then again maybe some just kept their feelings to themselves. I also have some friends from Brisbane and they've never said they dislike America or suggested this was the general sentiment there... in fact, the opposite.

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