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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. TheoHuxtable..


    Copped that Red Faction: Guerilla. You're basically a terrorist. Fun blowing up shit.
  2. TheoHuxtable..


    Wow why did I just hear of Halo 3: ODST yesterday?
  3. TheoHuxtable..


    I am... what about you? Splinter Cell probably being my favorite series. But Ghost Recon & Rainbow Six is up there too. Wasn't a huge fan of End War though. HAWX was good.
  4. TheoHuxtable..


    I just reserved that Red Faction Guerilla. I've always wanted to play games where you're part of a guerilla resistance attacking a more powerful army. Freedom Fighters was also another guerilla-themed game... basically the USSR invades the US and occupies, and you and groups of others launch a guerilla insurgency with ambushes, etc.
  5. You were in Philly for Christmas visiting family, And you're out on bail, pleading self-defense.
  6. TheoHuxtable..


    That's out already???
  7. TheoHuxtable..


    Got inFamous. It's pretty good. Some complaints, like I don't like running around the city and getting shot at by the gangs everywhere I go. I thought you could meander covertly if you wanted. I like the Sin City-like comic book cutscenes too. A cross between GTA, Prototype, Batman, Spiderman, Sin City.
  8. http://www.tinychat.com/0ywq where everybody at
  9. TheoHuxtable..


    After seeing this, I'm definitely copping inFamous: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/800208/sucker-punch-project/videos/infamous_vdr_051109.html
  10. TheoHuxtable..


    Anyone interested in inFamous? With inFamous & Prototype coming out, it seems like gaming is entering a new era of having sandbox genre games with storylines different from the usual GTA or Saints Row themes.
  11. TheoHuxtable..


    this game rules:
  12. Originally it was grand theft auto. Which then got reduced to "embezzlement of a vehicle". Long story short I rented a car and kept it past its due date and then it was eventually reported stolen.
  13. You don't always have to go to court if they throw something out. I mentioned on here before that I got arrested this past October... they realized it was minor and it didn't even go to court and I didn't have to show up. I showed up anyway to be on the safe side and they couldn't even find my name in the system.
  14. I'm on your side though. I can't stand when black people think they can be loud in the theater either, especially during The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
  15. Well it was out of your control DAO -- the cops took your mugshot and released it to the news media. It's okay James, you indicated on your MySpace page that you were released and charges were dropped by the DA since it was self-defense.
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