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Posts posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I’ve always known I’ve been “double jointed” (hyper mobility). I remember kids in class, sitting behind me-if I raised my hand they would have a joking comment like “ew. Call on her. So she can put her arm down” haha. And my kid would always notice that when I extended my arm to point I wasn’t actually pointing at the object I was aiming for ha. 
    what I didn’t know is that if I didn’t manage it I would constantly hurt myself. Took almost half my damn life to understand and know this. It’s so difficult to correct/manage at this point in my life but I have to to ensure a healthy one here out.   PSA for anyone who notices they are double jointed. 
    This pic is from spring this year. This backwards ass elbow of mine. IMG_1838.jpeg.52fb8aeada26d8fdcf72a34608706109.jpeg

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  2. 2 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


    What's your project?

    Just a workout room. 
    just gonna remove the table. Not buying any equipment or anything. Just mats. We have enough items to make it a workable room  


    I need space to work in. No matter what it is.  I loathe gathering things for a project, I spend the time gathering and not working. Then it turns to this. 




    When it hits me I need to not be bothered with getting things out or gathering items to complete a stretch session or whatnot. 


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  3. this is my fav room in this place and I realized I spend the least amount of time in here.  We never use the table. Gonna get rid of that and throw down a rug/mats for a workout/stretch type of space. It’s got the most plants. Great morning light. Warmest in the place because the only outside wall is where the window is at. 
    really excited about this project   Hopefully I can get thru it today 









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