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The Trusted Zone

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Everything posted by The Trusted Zone

  1. Dont stop yet!! keep them coming!!
  2. That acid piece is cool I like the trippy style
  3. Dope blackbook piece.. I like the trippy style
  4. I have a vhs copy of a Bad Brains video from i think 78..it was made a year before the cbgbs one, 'at the movies' ..has anyone else ever seen this?? really crazy, just out of sync concert footage and driving cut up for like a half hour...
  5. Studys show, as well as street reports, that he is an extremely jealous hater and a bonifide pussy, due to the fact that he was so upset at ADEK for doing his thing in NYC, that he tried to get others to turn on him. This act of shameful bitchism provoked ADEK to step to Bitch Nigga Extrodinaire and have the startled and scared printed sticker queen mace the former and run for shelter. I'm glad someone's got the official report on this fool
  6. seeing a biker in the city or a cowboy or some dude in overalls at the farmer's market never made sense to me... this dude will just blow you fuckin brains out
  7. ABEL ONER OFFICE www.abeloneroffice.com
  8. Never seen anything like this. ill.
  9. "Yeah, Bangs is super hot right now. He's actually opening the academy awards with this song. It's giving me Oscar Fever!"
  10. like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03mmzlcojzg or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnuEI4vkvg or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtzWVYS5XHc
  11. keep em in the know S'sA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WourPs56Shc
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