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19 Good
  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD my last post ever, enjoy
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear swindle and the rest of this site that hates me, Im sorry, please dont threaten me over the internet, im done with this site, i e-mailed mods to delete my account and hopefully they'll do it, so this will be my second to last post ever. gotta put something funny in the gif. thread. anyways, farewell 12oz, i know you wont miss me. wiggums
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear asshole, this is a fucking internet forum, not a fucking college paper. fuck yourself you sorry sack of shit
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear injury, i bet youd love for me to suck your dick, thats because your "girlfriends" were prob boyfriends. your flaming fag. dear T14K, im not mad, i could care less if you find my shit funny, cuz i dont find your shit funny..and i suck at spelling simpsons character names?? who fucking cares. you and injury should meet up a and spend some quality time making fun of my unfunny posts and exchanging bodily fluids, you fucking homos
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear injury, i find it hard to believe you've ever had a girlfriend, considering you spend all your time on this site, or prob on some gay porn sites. your buddy, wiggums
  6. damn i miss naces shit, mek big u on that prodo. jerseys lookin good!!
  7. no shit...ill 287 flix i always appreciated em cuz there so damn hard to get good ones good shit and thank you....how do people feel about kegef in jerz???
  8. they dont like jersey heads in philly if you didnt kno, now you do, and how is nask in aids, that dude is mad weak fuck the 12oz hustle
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD dont be a dick dude..im tryin to contribute.. fuck i dont see you trying
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD anyone know a site i can use to make these?
  11. old school ntel throws are ill, i remember seein thos all over newark a few years back, good seein em again, good looks ghost.....and what the fuck is that funkyking shit....
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