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Everything posted by xwriteonderrelsx

  1. who's throws you think are ugly??
  2. bumpola pcf yo off topic i started a new account but now i cant log out of this one it just goes to some error page wwwttttfffffff.........any ideas?
  3. yes....props cause i was just about to post it
  4. im trapped in my house(sick) about to cough up a lung:yuck:
  5. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck siiiggghhh sigh this thread is so painful to look at ahahahahahaha fuuckk!!
  6. false easter sucks i dont do anything besides eat chocolate and wish i didnt have cavities tpbm also has cavities
  7. false im sick on the couch tpbm has a tattoo they regret
  8. oh and this......dont get me wrong pabst is good....but over rated ahahahaha
  9. people at dolores that tell you not to write in the bathrooms need to chill
  10. if you have a cough this is the best.........ever and it tastes super good, no disgustingness you have to take a chaser with
  11. keep a cap or two in your little change pocket on yo jeans, but never forget that they're there never know when you could catch a couple!!
  12. this shits hard cardiel kills, the gonz gets some
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