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Everything posted by empty_can

  1. Hey yers did you used to write two toes or give up??
  2. Hey nover that shit is super dope. I was thinking that you would have done one of the badass bullet holes in the middle of the O though. Just a thought if you do something like that again in your book. Otherwise I have love checkin out the ones you do with characters. Great shit.
  3. Lovin the capital B 3d negative space you got going on in this last piece. Took me a second look to see it. Not that it is a brand new technique or anything, but your execution is always on point. All of your work is fucking phenomenal.
  4. stem is rockin for sure... people just don't like the big head that you have. however it is no big deal with me however I do have to say that other dudes hands are killin compared to yours that you put up. just an opinion, we all have them they are like assholes.
  5. SoS had an alright effect but the letter was real weak. The back leg on the N is like a twisted arm with no real direction. I would rather look at the pencil N that had a great foundation and was solid all the way around. Just my 2cents. Don't think there is a circle jerk going on, people would vote for who ever really puts it down.
  6. Not in the least dude's shit is fire.. I prefer serif's work to seen's but I just love that west coast funk I guess. Buyin those WST's shirts like they are fuckin crack rocks.
  7. Those Large characters are so fresh really diggin em. I wouldn't doubt he uses stocks and rusto some people just have that swagger. Great letter flow, no fancy ass special effects, just straight fire connections, and slick fills. Starting to sound like a cheerleader going back to gettin high and lurkin again...
  8. Plus most of those LA crews have been holding it down since the 80s. MSK AWR CBS and the like were around before the big names of today. Not being a dick or anything but those crews had foundations way before the current writers took that shit global and merchandised the hell out of it. Which by no means is stupid like so many others who are trying to hate on people who are pushing this shit further than it has gone before. Shit everyone in here would fucking love a paint sponsorship. If you are one of those tards that says no to that then fuck, you must not really love this shit like you claim. I am down to throw in for prizes and such as long as we can get an actual battle with more than 5 people at a time. Paint, Markers, Blackbooks, Other Books, Mags, Videos, etc if anyone is interested in setting up a real battle situation with real prizes and such get at me with a pm. I would love to see this get to be as good as it was before. We can do what Bombing Science has been doing and then maybe we can even get some guest judges in here so that people feel like someone with a lot of work under their belt is actually going to judge their shit, and have enough clout in the game that it makes sense when they decide who wins. Shit maybe we can even get one of those online shops to throw swag at us so we can give away even better prizes which will be a draw for even better writers to compete.
  9. Zennegen bitch please you know nothing about me and I sure as fuck don't live with my moms. Too be honest I am probably about 10 years your senior so I think you should not take the few things I have ever posted on here as a reflection of anything I have done. The giant retarded rant I had was pretty much directed at people like you. Fucking on the internet actin like you know shit about anyone on here. Punk ass little bitches trying to pull peoples cards over the internet just sad. I bet you have never had to fight for shit in your life. Now comes the typical "you don't know me" blah blah blah "I would fucking beat your ass" blah blah blah... Internet punks make me laugh. To everyone else contributing keep on keepin on... Now zenne if you truly are a worth while decent individual and writer then I might be wrong about you. However from the things you have written I doubt you are that person. If I turn out to be wrong I would gladly discuss any aspect of this shit we all seem to care so much about. You should be able to tell by MI one style alone that he has been around the bend and back. Not many now-a-days have the balls to flex something that simplistic with all you guys going around talking shit cause it doesn't overlap or have a 3d. Shit writing that last part makes me crack up. Kids today think unless your shit looks like sofles, askew, or revok would do it then it isn't good enough. Not that any of those cats put out bad shit in the least, but I think you know what I am talking about if you are older than 20. I would take a felon character, mber freight, or TCI end to end anyday over some crazy out of control technical piece anyday. On top of that I would kill 1000 babies to have grown up in the heyday of it all in NYC. Back when you had to carry a weapon on you just to get back home from school without a hassle.
  10. I can't believe any of you people would discount mi one cause his stuff is more simplistic. No where in this thread does it say the shit you post needs to be a particular way. His simple no overlapping shit on the last page is tougher than most the shit I see posted here. MPC alone has enough clout to have its members post in here. I hate all this crap about it doesn't fit this criteria so it doesn't belong here. Too be honest you want people like him and other old school heads postin in here so you can modify what kind of crap you are pumping out. I would rather stare at an old subway photo anyday that may have fuzzy lines and drips here and there then stare at some super polished msk stuff. Not saying that I don't respect where graff is going but you gotta respect where it came from. Shit to be honest I would rather have more flicks in here then anything. Same goes for pesk. He has certain things on lock and other things that need to be polished. So instead of talking all this shit provide constructive crits and not just I can burn you blah blah blah. Same goes for what he said about shit. Look at the MI one again. His letters are clean as fuck and they all make sense good spacing good flow all of the above. This is the internet talking shit and beefin on here makes you look like a child, be a man and stand up and maybe something constructive next time. Shit Mi one might even be the new school of mpc still either way his shit is simple but not weak in the least. saying his shit is weak is like saying blade is weak cause his shit was kinda sloppy and his letters didn't make a lot of sense to people. I hate this fucking future generations who are all ready to comment on shit and talk shit to people who probably have been pushing this culture longer than they have. Its a fucking sketch thread for you to get ideas out and put shit down maybe get some comments back that help you. telling people to go to the toy thread when you post up your fucking crap is stupid there are maybe 5 people that post in here that really have their blackbooks on some other level shit. Most of you can't put shit down that comes close to it. I am not naming names, but fuck I miss when these threads were full of people like hecs, this one, newkon, even dorkstar. i have been on this site for a long time changed my screen name only three times. Up until these last two years or so this shit helped people and put people onto shit and allowed them to grow as writers. Now its I don't like your shit look at my crap. I guess I should stop getting fade and readin this shit cause it makes me think that most of you bitches think the world of yourselves and can't see any value in anything that your puny brains didn't come up with. Back to the pipe and the herbs. I apologize in advance for anyone who reads this and starts getting all pissy like a bitch if you feel better about it talk shit to me and call me all sorts of shit cause to me this is the internet and i don't give a fuck.
  11. Funny how the majority of rail heads could probably explain the problems with our rail system better than the fools who get paid 6 figures to know their business. Our country is sure fucking ass backwards thats for sure. Where is our money for our studies...
  12. definitely point out where I can improve. I have always been a straight up letter guy so I have very little movement to my shit. Mostly freight type shit that is mostly straight up and down and very large. this is something I whipped up the other morning in about 6 or so min a bit more flow I feel but definitely not like my other stuff ... the one under that is just some shit that I did after I was staring at jurne's work for 5 hours stoned outta my mind. I wouldn't say straight bite but his shit definitely got me a lot looser with the letters.
  13. Some new outlines i have been fuckin with. I almost never do the same outline twice. I feel like you gotta change your shit as often as you can so you don't get stale or burnt out on one style
  14. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til That photo's composition is fucking ridiculous.... I am not usually a big fan of photography (probably because I am a hater) but this is just so fucking beautiful ... is there an artform you don't have on lock. Have you ever done a totem pole piece with all of the things you love (like wife, child, cars, painting, breaking, etc...) in it holdin each other up while still being the letters in your pseudonym?
  15. here is a better pic of mine doesn't look so fucked up from my scanner
  16. might have been shakin just little... also the surface of my desk is fucked up... no excuses though it looks like I have parkinson's seriously
  17. Just an outline for the paint battle that I was sittin on decided to just finish it up real quick cause it wasn't doing anything sittin on my desk.
  18. I would grab a shit ton of photos from his heavens thread, but I didn't know the man and I believe most of the photos that are in there are posted by PreOne. However I highly suggest going through that thread http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52679 I am working on posting a second long ass post of people I forgot however I have to hunt for all the pics because I was not taking photos in those days.
  19. LOL OLD FARTS.... The man that was speaking before def has it right. You stupid fuckin little bitches don't even know where your scene came from. Its like you opened up 12 oz a few years ago and started actin tough cause you know where to find graff on the net. The midwests best definitely didn't start writing in the 00s go post another crap hollow or recycled throw up. What happened to fillins everywhere on the street?? What happened to fighting for your spot? What happened to not being a fucking pussy, tight pant wearing retard. The best part of all of this is that some of my favorite writers and all time kings (imo) have come out the midwest and to see the shit we see now is just sad.
  20. A big thank you goes out to whoever took all the photos for allowing me to show this greatness.
  21. Jaber Jase Kaws King157 Kwest Learn Mber Migee Mpulse Much Myth Nace Onorok Pre Quisp Smash Zine And while I am sitting here I am thinking of all the people I have forgotten and now need to do another post. Seriously I can't believe no one has posted anything from these guys up until now
  22. I never do this, but I had to go around and steal a shit ton of photos to show you fools what train writers are... Honestly when I saw the title of the thread I was pumped then I open it up and almost every photo that is posted was painted after 2005 I was seriously disappointed. I mean shit did you forget the 90s early 00s when shit was crackin... now I have only gotten some of the people that came to mind right away. I will post more when I have more time to harvest some photos. There is no order to how I am posting them: eros maple River Awe2 Crispo Cycle Daks Drone Each 2 Elkamino Erupto Esteme Felon Dynamic Duo Ges & Kem Geso Heat Hybrid Ichabod Intel Isto
  23. If someone knows or can put me in touch with someone so that I can BUY that canvas. Unless it is already sold or was made for someone in particular. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. This guy has so much funk to everything he does PLUS he is constantly pushing the envelope and taking risks stylistically. However, it always comes out funky fresh on the other end. Some of the shit he pulls off I don't believe any other writer could bust out and have it pop like he does. That piece up the page is a perfect example of what I am talking about for sure.
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