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Everything posted by hifructose

  1. this is some dope work man, hella fresh. im liking the base colors alot. stay up.
  2. aight so we were all just as toy as this kid at some point. in my opinion go to the toy thread, but your problems are as follows 1. it says crazy, could you get any gayer? and your real name is Deuce? like the gun? come on man get a better name. i know you can think of something better. 2.your letter style is not your style, in fact claiming any style as your own style is damn near impossible. but it doesnt mean you cant have your own creativity. 3. your fill is not cuttin it, you got a dark color on top and then from the bottom is one solid orange color, at the bottom of the piece you should have givin it a lighter orange to give the piece more flow to it (i could be wrong, im color blind as fuck) 4. your extensions dont make sense, everything is too straight, like its too blockish, i can see your goin for the classic new york letter style, even those letters were curvey, a common misconception is all the letters were straight, they varied throughout the piece which is what made them so good. 5 your handstyle just proves your a toy, no style to it, the halo is whack as fuck, and the letters dont match, theres too much space between them and way too many doo dads off the side of them a good handstyle should look good without any add ons, and if you are going to give it some, give it 1-2 tops. on the rare occasion 3. dont put a crown on it. the best way to get better with handstyles is get a notbook and a ball point pen, and fill them up until it looks good. 6. leave your pride behind you. you will natually think your shit looks good cause you put effort into it and you dont want to be disapointed in yourself, once you leave that shit behind you will progress. personal critisim is the way to get better. 7. go simple, work your way through handstyles, then throwys, then straight letters then pieces then murals, then flat out burners. dont try and run before you can crawl. if you add small extensions off your straight letter, you will get better on the walls and on paper. dont think this is me bein a dick. im just saying what needs to be said. you asked for critisism and you arent taking it very well. if you learn from what i said and what others say. you will get better. peace.
  3. "WHATS BEEF?" is by far the gayest thing i have ever seen anyone say. if you got beef, REP BEEF, dont question it.
  4. these guys are just straight up OG's bump KATO, bump TREES
  5. nah, no one went over me, im just seein burners gettin dissed by kids who suck and dont even have credit. im also seein people who kill the city with legit throws and their shit is gettin dissed too or just hated on, not even on a personal level, just on "im gonna cross this guy out cause i can" thats the kinda shit im seein. and its fuckin gay. disagree with me if you want, but crossin toys out or crossin legit writers out..either way all it does is cause problems for yourself. i still dont see the point in it.
  7. good lookin smokeweed on those old flicks BUMP JOUGS!
  8. this thread is filthier than gucci, thats sayin alot.
  9. hahaha, i didnt even know people were already sayin shit about the northwest superthread, HELLA clownin ass shit.
  10. this is 12oz. home of the toy talk. its just a bunch of toys lookin for styles to bite. for some reason they cant stay on the toy threads. they gotta go to the good ones. go look at the northwestsuperthread on brick slayers. its the epidemy of whining bitching and toys complaining about how much other writers suck compared to their toy ass shit. it proves my point pretty damn well.
  11. bump these pieces, good to see something other than throwys
  12. you guys is fuckin gay. get off your period, stop whining like 12 year old girls, post flicks, or go out bombing so then maybe someone will post your graff so we dont have to listen to you bitch ass fools complain about who's tags suck or whos dont. until then, stop acting like your vaginas are leaking. shut up, and grow the fuck up. if you disagree, then go fuck yourself, your only proving my point, and making your points worse.
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