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Posts posted by Swindle

  1. it used to be a bunch of people trying to convince each other they were cool and good at graffiti but now its a bunch of people who try to convince each other they are really funny and good at the internet.


    as opposed to tumblr which used to be for people trying to convince everyone they were funny and good at the internet but now is for people who really want everyone to know they do graffiti and are totally bad ass.






    ebay and paypal are my favourite websites now.

  2. i remember when it first came around people complained and whined about it but it wasnt so much of a big deal to me.


    however after months of it i've realised it actually doesn't even work. every now and then something will pop up that i am interested in, before i can fully read it, it disappears into the virtual rollerdex of doom and god knows how long i have to wait to read it again. Finally it resurfaces, i click the story and nothing happens, no link, nothing. i click share this page (what page i'm infact meant to be sharing exactly will remain a mystery through out the annuals of time) SURPRISE, nothing happens.

    Out of sheer desperation i drag my mouse over to the large ComplexMedia logo and click, the firefox swirling thing swirls for a second....could it be..the air becomes tense with anticipation of the great unknown.....NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS.in a last ditch effort i click the right arrow and the bar compresses to its smaller, more compact option. a wretched shadow of it former self, cowering in the corner. i click the arrow again, stupidly assuming the bar will expand back to its former righteous glory of uselessness, alas i am mistaken.....




    ZE ARROWS, ZEY DO NAZINGGGG! and i am stuck with the midget ComplexMedia bar until i refresh or go to a different page. if i want to pursue any of few stories that aren't about some homoerotic hypebeast sneakers i have to remember the title of the article and google it, well doesnt that sort of defeat the purpose of the media bar? i'm not against 12oz having advertisements but how about ones that work.


    seriously, is this thing meant to do anything, at all?

    • Like 1
  3. The tattoo of the DRAKE tattoo is fucking gold




    That's that Aussie pop rapper 360 yeah? Looks like a bad sketch of Flinders Street Stashe, I've seen I horrid one on his neck of mickey mouse with bracers or something, just awful.



    he has some truly awful tattoos.

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