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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. I never took hands like that seriously, I don't think the people who write it do either. They're like bumper stickers. Most of the time it's kids like what, I forget who said it, was saying about how names like that are just kids who bar hop and meet other writers while partying. Neckface is the only one of them who gets a microscopic amount of respect, those long ass creepy arms with the nails and the arm hair were cool. Neckface begins was cool by the bridge, anyways that's the weed talking. Scoping out train tunnels and planning bombs in advance aint what these kids are about. Jesus Saves is just a name I've seen pop up in different locations, always street level stuff. But it isn't a gimmick tag. The only message behind papa loves baby is the girl who wrote baby dino a year ago. anyways..
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4FUcgZS3j0
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOaH6YU6v9s&feature=related
  4. ;) vandalism it's a wonderful thing
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VJ6lzCMLjY
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