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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. YOO rhymes and is ill. squeezed though, if they didn't want to be totally realistic about it they could have used a IND line train with four doors and it would've been cool. okay
  2. that spot by the high line was buffed. They're attempting things on the west side...
  3. BROADWAY not stolen... for once. Old though blah blah toy cell phone shots keep it to ya self. I'll leave the real photos up to Propane
  4. hahahah kid writes fridge. that's great.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U3MDQuRvPo&feature=player_embedded
  6. not from LA but this is twisted What does one accomplish from buffing graffiti in an area no one but ghosts of society dwell in. If they ever buffed the insides of the freedom tunnel...
  7. ignint comes to mind sometimes when I'm on here
  8. you de friended me asshole. Normal fucking helen
  9. flipping, g ladies always take a piece of your head when it's over
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