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Boris The Butcher

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Posts posted by Boris The Butcher

  1. Every day, it's a new rapper

    Claiming to be dapper then the Dre'sta

    Softer than a bitch but

    Portrayed the role of gangster

    Ain't broke a law in your life

    Yet every time you rap

    You yap about the guns and knives

    Just take a good look at the nigga

    And you'll capture the fact

    That the bastard is

    Simply just an actor

    Who mastered the bang

    And the slang and the mental

    Of niggas in Compton, Watts

    And South Central

    Never, ever once

    Have you ran with the turf

    Yet in every verse you claim

    You used to do the dirt

    But tell me who's a witness

    To your fucking work

    See, you never had no business

    So save the drama, jerk,

    Niggas straight kill me

    Knowing that they pranksters

    This is going out

    To you studio gangsters

    See, I did dirt, put in work

    And many niggas can vouch that

    So since I got stripes

    I got the right to rap about that

    But niggas like you

    I gotta hate you cause

    I'm tired of Suburban Niggas

    Talkin about they come from projects

    Knowing you ain't seen

    The parts of the streets, G

    Think you started trying

    To bang around the time

    Of the peace treaty

    Wearin khakis and mob

    While you rhyme

    Little fag, try to sag

    But you flooding at the same time

    And your set don't accept you

    Scared to kick it with yer homies

    Cause you know they don't respect you

    So, nigga, please Check nuts before You step to these muthafuckin' real G's

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear 12oz---


    The many ways styles p would kill you is gold---GOLD---



    He know you lactose intolerant so he'll dip his hollow tips in whole millk before he clap you.


    he'll come to the club or party with a gun that is forearm length so you won't know where your brain or forearm went


    He'll run up on ya like a marathon, and put ya body in the suitcase and ya head in the carry-on


    He'll definitely put the hawk to your spleen, rip your larynx off and hand it to your boss, beat you with a lead pipe, and slice you wit a gemstar blade. In the process of this, he'll say you softer than a blouse up in bloomingdales...





    Had to share that---



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