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Everything posted by sacwacko

  1. all this is bullshit. back in the sixth grade i got seen painting a warehouse and chased and everything was all good. we were actually hittin other shit while runnin. graff stories are the shit.
  2. from what i can see, its good, but lacks flow. get bigger pictures man.
  3. can i get some crits, workin on my style.... bart, your aids looks dope as fuck and the throw ant the bottom isnt bad at all. keep it up.
  4. sacwacko

    Yard Safety

    fuck i wanna go bomb trains. im only 15 tho :(. how old are u guys???
  5. clean as fuck, but i see some useless extensions.... its dope tho.
  6. hella clean, but i see some weird ass extensions. dope tho.
  7. crits plzzzz.... good alfabet :).
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