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Posts posted by thrashcat

  1. Graff is what keeps me from being a drone. I feel like it keeps me out of that school, work, get married have kids, retire, die cycle that we are all supposed to do. I'm not saying I don't want to do those things, but graff is something that makes me. You know, it gives me a sense of identity, and gives me something to look forward to. It keeps life interesting, and when I do die, I feel like I had accomplished something that I wanted to do despite the all risks and consequences and bullshit that writers have to put up with. Its kept me from being just another average joe. I probably wouldn't be an average joe either way, and I know its cliche, but I have no idea what I'd be into if it wasn't for graff.


    /mad corny oner

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  2. http://furry.wikia.com/wiki/Oontz


    "In the fantasy world of Astian, Oontz is a minor character. She lived next-door to Tias and Crimnos before the wars started, and took refuge with them when they went into hiding. During the purge she was hidden in their house and was, on several occasions, almost captured and taken to the labor camps which would have certainly been her end. As it stands now she is simply an aide to Tias, working by her side to help heal their broken world. "



  3. For those RTS players, if you have a blizzard account with at least one game in it, you can sign up to try and get into the Starcraft 2 beta.


    I really wanted to do it, but I don't currently own any Blizzard games :(

  4. Alba Wins.


    "We've just learned Jessica Alba will not face charges for defacing Oklahoma City with shark posters earlier this month.


    Oklahoma City Police just told us the investigation is closed because no one wanted to prosecute.


    Alba was under fire last week after pictures surfaced of her gluing large posters of great white sharks all over OKC, in an effort to raise awareness for the dwindling number of the majestic creature.


    One of Alba's victims was a billboard for the United Way, for which she later released an apology."


    oh the benefits of being a pretty, rich, famous, white girl.

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