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Posts posted by wafflecakee

  1. * Why isn't the fast-moving aircraft blurry in the photo?


    * Why doesn't the subject (or the photographer, for that matter) seem cognizant of the plane's high-decibel approach?


    * The temperature was between 65 and 70 degrees that morning, according to news reports. Why is this man dressed for winter?


    * How did the camera survive the 110-story fall when the tower collapsed?


    * How was the camera found so quickly amidst all the rubble?


    * Why did this one-of-a-kind, newsworthy photo never appear in the media until after it had already been well circulated via email?


    I don't think any of that needed to be said.

    • Like 1
  2. Nice stuff Chop, that bee photo is sweet.

    Load Limit I would have grabbed that off you if it was a month ago, but I've made the decision now to get rid of all my DSLR gear. Haha.


    Found a Leica M8 in London so hopefully I should have it within 2 weeks if I can sort out customs/shipping shit today. After a lot of research I've found that most of the IR issues and magenta colour shifts have been fixed/are now a non-issue. Awesome!



    just in a firmware update? or with IR filters? how much are you paying for it?

  3. yee dude, you going to get a sales job at that shop?


    I'm in a shop now too, I run a rental department. It's stressful! Too much expensive gear and not just lenses and cameras, studio lighting and expensive video cameras. shits crazy. I think the perks are good though, I haven't inquired yet, only worked 5 days so far...

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