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Everything posted by diddamatron

  1. I would enlighten both of you, but then I would be contradicting myself. Now I remember why I don't come on these sites...
  2. hahahaha.....naw, just gotta keep ya eyes peeled to know the raw deal. Plus, up here we don't care to advertise cuz those who know...know. Bump Q, J, F, B, K, M, C. you know who you are. and vensr isn't even from NH. Most time that gum flappa spent there is gettin' his pecker played with in county. let it be a lesson to you nubians. DON'T TALK TO POLICE!
  3. I'm sayin...didn't even notice till' it was too late to flick, shit's "commercial" clean! I almost witnessed a huge accident cause of it....now that's impact. It's like BOOOOOM! in your face. Props.
  4. words don't express how i feel about that last pic
  5. Re: Maine Funk rich be off the heezy
  6. oh my...that's refreshing! don't everyone chomp at once now
  7. bump aerub, keepin it real
  8. I thought nekst was an alien from the planet graffiti.......you know, the one where they actually do it instead of talk about it. last I heard, the being nekst came to earth to show us puny humans how to CRUSH SHIT!
  9. thats what's up.^^^ no if, and's, or chicken butts asesr's got to still have some world class burners runnin eh?
  10. ^^^ freel. here's a complaint. IT COSTS MONEY!
  11. somebody got pampered. as a white person, without any brazilian or latino friends, out at night in Sao Paulo, it ain't gonna be that great. interact with the wrong "beautiful women," or see the wrong "crazy shit," and it could be a long visit. the fact you sayin Brasil "rocks all over," tells me you didn't go all over. anyway the pixacao writing and street art there is unbelievable, like no where else in the world.
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco journey
  13. laugh. good counter-strike for them biddies leavin glitter all over me. ha
  14. don't believe the hype! yeeeaahhhhhhhhhhh
  15. word. real graffiti. factory caps
  16. naw nix be poutine in work doin the damn thang, don't hate on a brutha tryin to demonstrate. they're just...french.
  17. it was a better pic. of the 2nd spot you posted ^^^^, but both are incredible. thanks
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