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  1. I'm sayin...didn't even notice till' it was too late to flick, shit's "commercial" clean! I almost witnessed a huge accident cause of it....now that's impact. It's like BOOOOOM! in your face. Props.
  2. thats what happens when your lost & hammered in the middle of the road pissin at 3 in the morn....zoom zoom.
  3. words don't express how i feel about that last pic
  4. Re: Maine Funk rich be off the heezy
  5. oh my...that's refreshing! don't everyone chomp at once now
  6. black & white done correctly. bump
  7. bump aerub, keepin it real
  8. legs moving in aggressive manners
  9. I thought nekst was an alien from the planet graffiti.......you know, the one where they actually do it instead of talk about it. last I heard, the being nekst came to earth to show us puny humans how to CRUSH SHIT!
  10. thats what's up.^^^ no if, and's, or chicken butts asesr's got to still have some world class burners runnin eh?
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