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Everything posted by BloodAndSoil

  1. Saber fell on a spikey fence, punched a hole in his stomach and then waited 7 hours to be seen at the L.A. county hospital. complete with a photo of sabers big punctured belly and the fence post that stabbed him
  2. Copped that book at the signing in SF last summer. They had a tasy ass spread of barbeque food. Saber is a good dude, real modest considering the scope of his work. And yeah, the book is full of great pictures with some solid stories and experiences. i do have so say i liked the original lifesucksdie story he related regarding the L.A. River Piece better but overall the book is A+
  3. It got a reaction out of you no less. I win
  4. Too late, you've done a bang-up job convincing us otherwise
  5. Add one more to your list Being "cool" is of paramount importance to me
  6. I smell your unwashed ass down the block. I'm neither. I'm the guy keeping your girl company while you're out bombing
  7. and whats wrong with that?
  8. Oh, what, you're worried about internet beef? Who cares? how many graffiti writers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, one to start changing the lightbulb and another to stand there and bitch about how he thought of it first.
  9. I picked all the letters I was really good at it in the hopes of getting worse at them so i could know hardship and dissapointment.
  10. right, and tax it so we can pay for social wellfare programs.... jesus, go back to your marijuanna and nintendo WII junior
  11. I would never tell anyone in real life what you just laid down in this post unless you fancy the idea of getting stabbed....repeatedly
  12. heh, i forgot this website can generate some good wit when it wants to
  13. If someone just came up to me on the street and politely asked I would stop forever then and then so far that hasn't happened
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