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Mr. Incognito

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Posts posted by Mr. Incognito

  1. We're all pretty focused here on Zimmerman getting his ass kicked, but I was just thinking...what if he knocks the fuck outta DMX? Will he be hated that much more? I mean, it's bad enough you had to kill a teenager, but now you had to KO DMX??? I sorta want Zimmerman to win just for the fact that I think he would officially be the biggest butthole of all time.

  2. I'm not AGAINST supplements, I just hate the market for them because it's so easy to get sucked into the idea that you NEED all this stuff to be healthy or to have good effective workouts. It's just not the case. Want a good preworkout boost? Eat an orange. For real.


    I have trouble sticking with a protein anyway, as in taking it regularly. Currently I'm using this stuff:





    It tastes good enough, especially with almond milk, but I mainly tried it out because of it's minimal ingredients.

  3. I'm starting to really hate the whole supplement culture bullshit. I have tried many different proteins, and the outcome is always the same. a big waste of money for something that tastes like shit and does nothing for me. The only thing I would take at this point is creatine monohydrate, where that is the ONLY ingredient, and I actually feel the affects.


    Check out all those awesome ingredients in your proteins and pre workouts and tell me you feel good about taking them. Then balance it out with some other lab made vitamins and fiber.



    Just eat food. FOOD IS ALL YOU NEED.



    My question is - is there a negative effect on my credit score if I open another credit line?



    I don't know a whole lot about credit, but in the past year I've bought a house and new car, both of which required credit checks obviously. Basically, I have very little credit, but from what I do have, it's pretty good. I don't even have any credit cards...


    Anyway, I remember during the mortgage deal they were saying I'm better off with my limited credit history rather than having many open credit lines. So, to answer your question, I don't know if it will affect your score necessarily, but when it comes to credit history, it may get fishy. Lenders seem suspicious of people who have multiple lines open. If it's only a few, I wouldn't worry about it.



    I'm sorry if that did absolutely nothing to answer your question.

  5. it shouldn't be news to anyone that black people love walmart anyway. I mean this news story is a toned down version of when Popeyes ran outta chicken a few years ago (for not even a whole day) in my city and the black community was in an outrage.


    Realistically if i was on EBT i probably woulda hit it up at least for stuff i actually use. I'm not too big on stocking up on shit i don't need.

  6. It's a weird concept of hating big business like Walmart because they don't pay their employees enough to do some of the most basic non skilled labor and suggesting increasing the minimum wage, yet by doing so you are hurting "non evil" small businesses that at some point have to make up the cost differences somewhere, either by raising costs of products (which people will just stop buying because they'll go to walmart where it will forever be cheaper) or laying off workers while being more selective over who will get hired.


    so again, who does minimum wage increase ACTUALLY help in the long run? This is sort of the logic of clearing up debt by printing more money.

  7. your work ethic has nothing to do with your privilege.



    That was more of the sarcastic part of my post. I don't see "privilege" equating to being able to get up every day and go to work. I do what pretty much none of my other friends even want to do, get up every day at 5am and work a physical labor job. They'd rather work bullshit jobs knowing there isn't much money to ever be made, and continue complaining about having money problems. There comes a point where you need to just figure it the fuck out for yourself.


    And i view minimum wage the same way. someone earlier said you're not supposed to be raising a family on minimum wage. I agree with that.


    i gotta have someone explain to me on here how minimum wage increase will really help poor people rather than just get them fired, and employers being way more selective about who they will be hiring. Higher labor costs = less labor = more selective hiring. And if that's not the case, then why not just raise the cost of products to make up for higher cost of labor? If there were a drastic increase in minimum wage, do you guys actually think it will help in the long run?

  8. ^ too true.

    the few trucks that offer veggie fare want to sell me a sandwich for $8




    the food truck fad has spread pretty hard in my city, and every one of them is a rip off. i paid 8 bucks for a glorified grilled cheese last time i went to a food truck. i thought one of the main points of them was cheaper food? since it costs way more to run an actual restaurant. i was into it for a couple weeks trying the different ones around town. but now, fuck it.



    as for the fast food ones, it's nothing i would buy because i rarely buy fast food anyway like taco bell or mcdonalds but if they were to drive any of the trucks in my area outta business, i really would care less. i like the aspect of food trucks but these hipster fags should learn to stop charging 10 bucks for a "gourmet burger."

  9. NYC is liberal, NY state is not.

    Just like how Philly tends to vote liberal, yet the rest of the state might as well be in the fucking bible belt.







    So then the kid still got shot for breaking into cars.

    What the fuck did Trayvon do?



    Son....we are practically agreeing on the fact that Zimmerman is guilty of murder. Aint no more debatements about that...



    But i will say liberal ass NYC pretty much controls the state anyway.

  10. So then somebody got shot for breaking into cars? I'm guessing where you live is kinda like Texas where property value is placed above life.


    So then tell me this: what did Trayvon get shot for that was supposedly justified?

    Being black in a gated community?

    Wearing a hoody in the rain in February?

    "Standing his ground" when some random fucking idiot accosted him for being black and wearing a hoody in the rain in February?


    Racist moron admits to being a racist moron, then turns around and tells another story that has nothing similar to the Martin/Zimmerman case at all other than race.

    All in a moronic attempt at trying to prove that the Martin/Zimmerman case had nothing to do with race.



    I live in NY...one of the most liberal and anti gun states in the country. But good guess...


    Someone got shot in the back for breaking into cars. When they were running away. There is a law in NY called the duty to retreat or something like that where lethal force supposedly isnt justified if the suspect is trying to get away from you and you arent in immediate danger, like a kid running away from breaking into a car.


    I know you read my original post since you quoted it but for the sake of your memory span ill reiterate by saying that Zimmerman should have been convicted. I have no idea where i would have suggested him being justified in picking a fight with a black kid and killing him.


    Im also not suggesting this had nothing to do with race....it has fucking everything to do with race from Z's actions to the medias to the president to al sharpton and jesse jackson to all the fucking dumb whities holding vigils for T in my city. So what is your point? That im a racist? Big fuckin deal, move along.

  11. How often do the police show up to a black on black crime, ask the shooter what happened, then say "oh well then I guess the punk had it coming" and let the shooter go on his merry way?

    How often does the entire country have to protest just to get the shooter charged in the first place, then after all that how often does said shooter get let off to go on his merry way AGAIN?


    Like I said, social Rorschach test. You just failed with flying colors.



    Getting called a racist by you means about as much to me as traynigga getting blasted.


    However since you asked i can think of an interesting case from my city. Some white teenagers were breaking into cars and a BLACK guy came outta his house and shot one in the BACK and killed him. Kid was unarmed. Black dude went on trial and got charges dropped.


    You probably never heard of it cus the victim didnt really look like a son of Obama, or cus around the clock media reporting on that isnt really good looks.

  12. Zimmerman is a dumbass for picking the fight in the first place that he obviously couldnt handle, even after being told by the dispatcher to stop following Trayvon.


    And he looks more white now than he did when the incident went down...he looked like a hispanic thug in those early interviews before he got all fat.


    Him being free doesnt really bug me as much as a bunch of white faggots in my city holding a vigil for Trayvon. Black kids get shot all the fucking time in my city and those same vigil organizers dont think twice about it. In other words, nobody gives a shit about black on black crime

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