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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. bump for new page! Naris I like your pieces but I dunno about your hands, just my opinion and I dunno what to suggest different just practise more I suppose
  2. some new stuff couple of chars I did for my son's mum, hence the cute aspect to them crits more than welcome!!
  3. Naris, I like your stuff but it all seems so similar, do you try other styles?
  4. bump for some crits and any advice on colours, can't post new stuff yet as not at home but am at a loss for colours on this one
  5. nice to see some different people posting in here there is some nice shit here. Will have some more flicks soon but haven't been home for few days so cant post up yet
  6. haha I can't even remember what I was trying to get across in that message. Dunno where socrates came from lol good old Whisky
  7. the M i too big, otherwise thatdsss doipe! very ddrubkkk
  8. not only do you get brownie points from teacher (meaning you get away with more shit in the future) you can spend the day drawing!! Teacher can't see, just sees you at the paper with your pen all day mad crazy notes, while you just sketch pieces. *I* am not to blame if you fuck up your exams and live your life as a garbageman**
  9. Dictaphone Tell your teacher that you want to record the lecture whilst taking notes. Record the lecture and draw
  10. school is perfect opportunity to draw If your in philosphophy, think how Socrates whould visualise the words and letters and incoporate that shit, everything is your canvas and inspiration, take advatage of it!!
  11. my day to day life: wake at 6:30: smoke a spliff have a coffee, get my shit together 7:30 leave for work 8:30 et to work, unpack book and pens and make coffee 8:30 til 5PM speak to idiots on phone, draw in book 5PM go home, stick up stickers made in work while chatting to idiots 6PM get home smoke weed, draw, sit on 12OZ til bed at about 2 AM Repeat, don't go out much have my son every weekend and am skint rest of time!!
  12. how can u not have time to sketch in your book? I work full time, I have a child I have at weekends, I have bills I have responsabilities and all that grown up shit yet I probably sketch 8 to 10 hours a day just random shit I never don't have a pen and scraps of paper you sould just draw and draw no matter what
  13. i try and only piece in my black book but i have about 6 books on the go at a time so one is filled with throws and tags
  14. this is the TOY thread we should be posting adive not beefing or saying shit is wack. Of course shit can be wack its hte TOY forum lets just be helpful cos everywhere else you will get shot down quicker than a black man in mississipi (never could spell it) Beef elsewhere lets keep this shit helpful, the internet has taken away older writers taking younger ones under their arms so its down to decent painters to teach the ropes through this un-personal method
  15. this is what i'm saying, practise your shit on stickers make you try that litle harder as you know it will be in public domain, and it isn't as boring as just doing them in a book as you know your gettin your name out there
  16. simples, om stickers some more characters, again just stickers
  17. bump for some crits, especially colours!!! I'm stumped as to what to do and yea I like the throw Jack so might try and do something like that maybe on your SPEC throw fill the centre of the P there is just something about that particular letter I don't like, everything else is dope
  18. yea I know what you mean about the T on the 1st one it has been doing my head in. I have tried dropping the circle bit off the extension but that doesn't help i think i have to slim down curve on the L and make both extensions of the T visible or go lower case T
  19. as I haven't posted any of my throws I thought I would, here are 2: and a sketch on a sticker: crits?
  20. I do like the 2 bottom ones, on each page, only thing I can think of is where u have the S and E joining at the bottom it kind unbalances the piece as the R and K don't have the connection or depth that the S and E have. I would keep the connection, thin it out a little and work a way the R and K can do something similar as it is the R is kind of joining the E and the K looks stuck on the end
  21. trying to develop chars, any crits?
  22. thats nice man where the bottom curve of the B meets the upright is a bit fucked up but overall looks good, maybe if your gonna curve the top section of your T maybe curve the top section of the A, but thats just my personal opinion
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