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Everything posted by Anti-Aesthetics

  1. I seriously noted to a friend the other day that porab must only racks Harbor blue, white, black and chrome I guess you have proven me wrong. that rio tag is the ugliest dis-proportioned big ass marshmallow kid with a face I've ever seen... detroit sucks right now wears the flow like 95 or can can-control I expect you all should have a grip on by now I'm just letting suckers know ......this shit is not satisfactory....every person pick your game up....fuck if you dont paint garbage then no one can post it. dump faygo dudes
  2. hateing on ryku is so five years ago...props girl... she entered that competition to rays money for her graffiti foundation + she beat out fbs at the battle the LSD came in third place so good for them!!!!!;) you can hang
  3. If I recall it was Money that started the beef with FBS when he dissed out phers and lofe spots 2005. Which I saw first hand, over the fact that he fronted lofe 400 dollars green. which lofe never payed back...um wonder why....this can all be refaced in photos of Money over top of a Phers ICR burner that reads "Money" "pay up" along with the fact that fbs just likes to fuck with people "mixing life and graffiti never works" because Money association with Leather Jackets, SWL and others. lead to other incidences that I will not disclose at this time and allot of art gets whacked-out which is really too bad considering that there were some quality peaces that are no longer hear with us to day, on both ends of it. the real story is it's a god dame shame that you all make Detroit look so bad. with your hate. thats where it comes from yo and if you all are a bunch of gang bangers... this all should have been handled with a fist fit.... or a conversatsion.. so get over it
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