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Everything posted by forsteviewonderseyesonly

  1. why's everyone on here from, or go to boston? and thanks, it's jsut a 2 color with some inlineinng haha, nothing spectaculor or elaborate liek amkah did
  2. oh an soank, your extentions are pretty whack, they don't make sense or look good. ruck i like how you're trying to progress through simples not jumping into a wild style and i dig the bomber man
  3. freak... your sketches have always been pretty straight but when you brought it to a wall a while back it was kinda whack don't let your drawing abilities progress beyond your ability to paint it happens to a lot of people
  4. spec_ honestly your shit looks like some random person trying to do letters. there's an art to straight letters. your proportions are all over the place. flames are whack. and wtf is a big bag crew? ruck_ you have the right idea, but you dont have to bang your 3d to a point. newp_ don't try extentions yet. your letteres are too skiny. and them little lines with dots you got in every letter, doesnt have to be in EVERY letter.
  5. bend a straight letter to form a throwie, are you retarded? thats how you start to form piece letters... here's my throwie... simple piece...
  6. bump all of this_ and that first rupt is fire.
  8. really? i never saw that movie, or even heard of that writer. can you post a flick of whatever you're talking about.
  9. 'seize' shit's ill, keep doing what you're doing. 'cher' that's actually pretty nice, work on that hand and don't outline your forcefield. outher than that your letter structure is pretty straight. 'olse' that's much better, keep it up with the simples.
  10. word, i can finally see your letters now, and they're sick as fuck i love them extentions you wanna exchange?
  11. what ever happened to duse cnue knews amkah and alert?
  12. i write safe, i jsut never flick those outlines really. i'll post one later or somethign
  13. that was a joke, if you didnt notice i was the one who posted that about my own shit. thanks though, i never get recognition for my shit so i felt left out and gave myself some feedback. haha 'dank' take all of the extentions out. 'serz, segz whatever' that's tight, keep it up and clean it up. 'satire' fix the 's' up and take that pointy thing out of the 't' and it's straight. 'naris' the 3rd and 5th hands are pretty tight. 'knim' it's nice to see you want to do something creative, but like everyone tells anyone else, work on making your simples fresh before you try to progress beyond your level. 'olser' more proportional and make it skinnier. it looks like a bad air brush artist's letters honestly.
  14. that askew is fresh as fuck but i doubt it's his throwie not many people use their piece letters as their throwies why don't you post a picture of your throwie?
  15. oh forreal... that's weak finding out someone writes the same thing. but yeah that'd be an easy exchange. tell him to get at me.
  16. a seven color fill can't hide bad letter structure... 'cheap' your starting out simple, that's good. i'd personally make that 'e' more of a straight letter type of 'e' and replace the 'a' with a capital one. bang your 3-d out a little more too, there's a lot of negative space in that 'c'. 'enigma' it's good to see you're progressing, keep it up. fix your 3-d, take the little heart thing out of the 'm', and make the 'n' more traditional and it'll look a lot better. 'kirby' make the 'c' look like more of a 'c'. 'naris' the hand is straight cause it's simple, it'll definately look a lot better painted. but try making it more proportional 'cnue & duse' post some shit, it's alwasy nice to see your works 'steve wonder' shit's whack as fuck...
  17. here's a recent sketch i write "safe" anyone down for an exchange?
  18. why's that cause i don't give constructive criticism? okay well here you go 'dj ren' all i can say is that you need to start simple, all them bends are pretty whack 'naris' lose the arrow and add soem 3d or something 'unet' lose the little do-dads and work on making your shit cleaner
  19. you should've pm'ed each other earlier. keep the chit chat to a minimum and put your work in, or give some constructive criticism...
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