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Everything posted by Punc_one_ev

  1. bump it all... I will have colorful dreams
  2. Man....I WAS eating pizza....ugh... screw that...sick...I think i gagged.
  3. That helmet scares the shit out of me....
  4. That's some sexy red Marm is using... I am quite jealous.
  5. They wont say what the chemicals are...Shit like that is why people turn to zombies and then we all are fucked.
  6. That old graf made me remember why I fell in love with graffiti...I almost cried because there is so much damn history (yeah yeah fuck you too.) People put their heart and lives into this shit...and it paid off. I know y'all dont give a fuck about sentimental shit, but as an artist I just got inspired.... I draw chicks, monsters, robots, and fucking super heroes for a living... Nobody taught me how control that can like I do the pencil. The shit is my fault, but anywho mad love for whoever gets down with this shit. I hope to one day break bread and paint with some of you fuckers. Get some beer afterwards, or play some fuck'n street fighter. peace
  7. Pardon the linguo sir I meant 'pohleece'
  8. part 2 (again, I apologize for re-posts)
  9. Most of these may have been posted before. I flicked these today and decided to share. Apparently some shit went down for hook to ride up on a mofo and frisk hard. part 1
  10. Kobe, Thanks for the last flicks you posted. That shit was refreshing.
  11. ExcuseMySarcasm...that's a 7.1 megapixel. There is no way in hell I can get that crispy for a loooong ass time. Buying arcade sticks isn't going to help me neither. Dope shit, even if it is reposts, they look better. I am going to stick with this old SLR for a minute.
  12. ExcuseMySarcasm, what kind of camera are you using? Those aren't your everyday pics. Very high quality. I like my shit to be crispy.
  13. 1999!!!! I wasnt even thinking about graffiti. Damn... the 90s...fun times.
  14. YEAH's shit is so old school. I love it.
  15. I told you what the link is. There was a warning man, I didn't tell you to click. :p It aint no porn.
  16. http://www.twisted-humor-online.com/index.php/Twisted-Videos/2-Girls-and-a-cup.html ^^^^ that link will make you a man. Nothing to do with graffiti, but will sure enough give you a nice laugh or two. Is there any word from that guy who was taking pics of Detroit's graff to make a book? That would be dope considering that every other city (and country for that matter) has a book on their art.
  17. :rolleyes: well, you know me. We should paint some time. I will bring rootbeer and witty comments. I got a butler too. He doesn't write, but that mutha fucka knows kung fu. Hell I could learn some shit.
  18. man you know damn well that apple is scrumdilliumscious!
  19. Shit man that Beaker shit made me laugh. There was a dude at clutch that fucking looks like him. last month or some shit like that. Don't sleep on Lupe man. (sorry for the off topicness)
  20. paper or walls? I only have my shit right now
  21. Fuck that shit man. Fucking offensive. They can eat a bag of baby dicks.
  22. bored... I should have painted more while home. anybody remember unipaint? awww shit man those were my markers back in HSchool days.
  23. That's why Blanka will beat any mutha fucka on any SF. Give me some glossy black over flat anytime.
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