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Everything posted by Punc_one_ev

  1. Don't know who it was... but someone gave my boy a beer box full of caps. He said there were 4 ppl around. Bump to whoever it was. He said you guys were chill as hell. Mad respect to cats that give away stuff like it's Christmas. Stuff like that goes a long way and shows how writers should act toward each other. (that's if you come correct and not acting like an ass.) Peace.
  2. Aw man...I don't see how you can live without it. Just don't OD on it when you get here. Carbonated bowel movements that are runny and last for more than 2 days is not a good way to go. I personally just stick with the chicken rings...(very stereotypical for me) Glad everything is cool man. Much peace and happy painting. Too bad the rest of the week is rain rain and more rain. Ladies night on American idol :) I'm watching. (Does that take my cool card away?)
  3. This brotha right here... True legend...
  4. I can't see it on the pic that was posted but homie said something about there being an A2 there, maybe that was "AZ." -Shrugs- It was so long ago...and I can't really speak for my boy since he may have his own reasons. All I can say is there was a misunderstanding on where the person was from. Not much more I can really say. I can buy the man a faygo for his troubles...I dunno if they have that in AZ but that shit is liquid gold here. Until Coke buys them out... We get two days of 50 and sunshine...rest of the week is showers... :scrambled: Nothing like having your motherboard die on you...
  5. :) sorry to disappoint but, they aren't from burbs. Try one from east side and other technically west (but stays east for some reason). I thought this was pm settled... Im just setting record straight. None of us from burbs...it was me you were talking to. Sorry, if my humble personality and peaceful reaction sets me up to look suburban. Blame my aunt for making sure I didn't sound like some "nigga" that wants to break "bitches." That wasn't an attack on you or anything. Cause I know you will probably put me on your list. Life is too short for me to be on someone's list. Like I said, I'm just clearing some shit up. Only thing you can take is my word since we never met. Peace man.
  6. bump to everyone... bump to life, bump fasting, bump manga panty shots... unbump not being able to participate in the yearly production of cosmic colors and bold outlines. peace...may paint with some of yall one day.
  7. Bump to Jesus, thin mints, and not shooting my eye out. Anyone sitting on some cheap orange, magenta, or blue?
  8. HAHA. Everytime I see SNK I think about Mai with her Deadly Ninja Bees, and Haohmaru cutting the dog sh!t out of chumps that don't know. Fatal Fury all day.
  9. Tekken 6 for hibernation activities.
  10. Bump all the flicks for the last week or so pages. Jack frost on his way. Make sure your kids are bundled up. They are going to be the ones to save us from global warming.
  11. "in the studio with snoop dogg and the pound tonight."
  12. Much respect to all the crews out there. Old and new, black, latino, white, etc. Have a safe turkey day ya mooks! Keep it border line gluttony and don't beat your uncles in cards too bad... They wont cosign for your house loan. If you dont have family to share turkey day with, you got love from other writers... (unless ya beef'n like too fat tutes over a wang.) EV Crew sends its love to all. Let's paint before jack frost shows his punk ass up... peeeeeeeeace.
  13. I have a thunder resistance plus 13 and my helmet negates magic!:p
  14. Leezy...you are always hungry. Goth girls are hot but they aren't gonna give me the time of day...
  15. For those that care or were interested in the Game pieces...Below them are complimentary from GARB. I told him that the Cs and Gs kinda look like GRAY's G... -shrugs- Dude was using some old rusto but it looks faded... dunno why... PS. His can exploded on him due to cap malfunction HAHAHA.
  16. Working on letters and style. :cool:
  17. MURDERTRAIN: I have to check that out...Screw that eel though...I tried and I can't take it. Speaking of Asian Cuisine...I heard Chow Mein here is not the same chow mein I got on the west coast. SHARE THAT BUMBLEBEE!!!! You selling? Giving away for holiday? Black Friday Sale man..
  18. MURDERTRAIN: What kind do they have?
  19. spider man DASER has all kinds of funk on it. Love it.
  20. bump IGES and TEAD. Those took me way back to yesteryears...back when STORI did that sick wildstyle that looked like liquid...I miss seeing pieces like that. Backgrounds did a whole lot for a piece...very nice. Damn...I think a tear just went down the side of my face.
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