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Posts posted by OL'DIRTYGeEEZER

  1. Have fun getting smacked in the face with a baton




    hahah dude really, i mean you can play all this "i have my rights" shit in your head but picture being in a situation with a cop in the hood, truth be told THEY have the complete ability to do whatever the fuuck they want, ive experienced this many times. fuck the killer whaaales foreal

  2. Look, personally, I think the very essence of religion or being religious is kind of ridiculous. Being a rational person myself, it is very hard for me to believe that there is forces beyond the physical, and when religious people use the argument of "well if religion is fake then why do so many people follow it?" it is because they are born into that way of thinking. A trillion people could believe in something, but its not going to make it true. Religion is many things, but it is mainly scaring people into doing certain things, living a certain way, etc. Really though, there is no such thing as god, and nothing happens when you die, you just die.


    But, as Dark_Knight stated, if you read the bible, and just take it as a fictitious book, which it is for the most part, there are many core human values you can learn from it, on a purely humanistic level, not because you have to to "get into heaven" and whatnot. Jesus' story is a borrowed tale that has been told before, but the character of Jesus seemed dope... but he was not real.





  3. Really, you're trying to make this a bad thing?


    She wanted to expand her knowledge, so she enrolled in a class. Props to her for trying to not be another dumb hoe marketed as a real singer/dancer.







    oh, and smash, all day, every day.

  4. Another "check" on my list of reasons hip hop sucks.



    Niggas just need to loosin up and enjoy the music. I love all types of music, and I use to share your opinion, but really, this music is on some having fun type shit. Hip hop snobs need to be checked. I love lyrical hip hop, but this is dope too.




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