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Posts posted by OL'DIRTYGeEEZER

  1. hey do any of you guys know of SHIVA oil marking sticks. My art teacher had a box full and they look like markal's. I just need to know if they're worth going through all that trouble of sneaking in the classroom and taking them.

  2. Tyra Banks was a model..And then She got her own show....She brings people on and interviews them. BUT WHEN SHE INTERVIEWS THEM SHE JUST TALKS ABOUT HERSELF...I MEAN SERIOUSLY, YOU COULD HEAR ANY OF HER INTERVIEWS....she talks to her guests as though she is a fucking infallible god..like with the porn star but Tyra posed for hella pics almost nude..not sayin shes doin the same thing..but come on...I hate Tyra Banks..Self centered Bietch......

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